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Corona makes social technology crucial for the elderly

The elderly, like everyone else, want to be seen and appreciated. They also have basic social needs, such as feeling connected, independent and meaningful. Social technology can, certainly now, play a large and valuable role in fulfilling those social needs, Tina ten Bruggencate concludes on the basis of her dissertation that she will defend at Tilburg University on 2 July.


In recent months, Tina’s findings during the corona crisis have been further confirmed. Social needs of the elderly are essential. The elderly were forced to sit at home, while they prefer to be in the middle of society and want to connect with others. This indicates the importance of human contact, love, friendship and connection, but also the importance of a daily chat about the weather or about politics; the daily contact through which you are seen and appreciated, that you are (still) needed for the people in your area. The PhD student noted that older people not only attach great value to their intimate network (family and friends), but also that peripheral network members (neighbors, acquaintances or, for example, the lady of the drugstore) fulfill their social needs.

“Older people today do not want to be behind the geraniums, but to use their talents for the community”

Be and stay meaningful

Social needs interventions often focus on connecting older people with others. Tina thought that interventions should also focus on being meaningful, such as doing voluntary work. The elderly want to contribute, they do not want to be dependent, not behind the geraniums. This confirms what we have already learned from the so-called blue zones of the world, where people live longer through a healthy lifestyle combined with the social role they play: they play an active (social) role in their community. They use their talents and skills for the community.


So the elderly want to be active in their own lives and participate in the lives of others. An important concept here is reciprocity. Reciprocity means that a relationship consists of give and take, it strengthens the relationships that the elderly have.

“Elderly people struggle with the technology, installing, with updates, with WiFi”

Social technology enriched

Facebook, WhatsApp, video calling and e-mail still play a modest role in the lives of the elderly. A large proportion of respondents do not actively use social technology. Those who do, strengthen and enrich their relationships with it, for example by sharing photos and videos. Using social technology makes the elderly and people in their network feel comfortable. It feels safe to always be available with a smartphone in your pocket. But there are also disadvantages. The elderly struggle with the technology, installing, with updates, with Wi-Fi. And social technology should not replace face-to-face contact. There is annoyance about (grand) children who are too busy with their mobile when they come to visit.


As a result of the corona crisis, social technology is often the only way for the elderly to communicate with family and friends. Face-to-face contact has been significantly reduced. The benefits and possibilities of social technology are receiving increasing attention. It is now necessary to ‘practice’ so much that in the future social technology may, in addition to face-to-face contact, create more connection. Tina recommends focusing more on the talents and skills of older people and supporting them in using social technology.

Tina ten Bruggencate (Sint Oedenrode, 1973) works as a lecturer / researcher at the Fontys Hogeschool HRM and Psychology, and is affiliated with the Human and Technology research group. The Humanities and Technology research group conducts practical research into the mutual influence of people and technology. For her PhD research, Tina was a science practitioner at the Academic Workplace Elderly of Tranzo (of the Tilburg School of Social and Behavioral Sciences at Tilburg University). The Academic Workplace Elderly wants to contribute to people-oriented elderly care by studying the perspective of the elderly. Tina’s research is concerned with the role of social technology in fulfilling the social needs of the elderly.

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Source: Tilburg University

1 thought on “Corona makes social technology crucial for the elderly”

  1. Ik vraag mij af wat wordt hier verstaan onder ouderen? Mensen die met smartphone, tablet laptop etc om kunnen gaan zullen dat als prettig kunnen ervaren om zo bepaalde contacten te kunnen onderhouden. Wat te doen bij degene die dat niet kunnen? Die het nog aangeleerd moeten worden op hogere leeftijd. Ouderen met een leerachterstand wat veelvuldig voorkomt. Ouderen met verschillende aandoeningen zoals bijvoorbeeld beginnende dementie? Vereenzaamde ouderen met beginnende depressie. Onder ouderen zijn natuurlijk verschillende menstypen. Zelf ben ik werkzaam binnen de zorgsector en heb zo mijn vraagtekens bij dit artikel. Voor welke vakgroep is dit artikel geschreven? Zorgmedewerkers, software hardware ontwikkelaars, psychologen, mantelzorgers. Zou fijn zijn als dit duidelijk wordt in de publicatie. Komt op mij over alsof we ouderen moeten stimuleren met betrekking tot sociale technologie ik mis het menselijke en financiële aspect. Er zijn heel veel ouderen die de financiële middelen niet hebben. Is dit onderzoek gedaan middels fysieke interviews, of vragenlijsten. Met hoeveel ouderen is dit onderzoek gedaan? En wat voor typen mensen? Alleenstaande ouderen, hoger opgeleide ouderen, allochtone ouderen? Misschien goed om dit duidelijk te benoemen in een artikel. Mijn interesse werd gewekt omdat ik in t werkveld zit en met ouderen te maken heb zowel, zakelijk als ook privé.
    Sociale technologie in verband brengen met corona is naar mijn mening te kort door de bocht, omdat het een fase is die slechts kort bestaat. De vereenzaming van ouderen is al een langer bestaand fenomeen.


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