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Corona loss of earnings? What employees need to know

Questions & Answers

Berlin (dpa) – In the event of a loss of earnings in the event of a corona quarantine, the state has so far stepped in for the first time. Now the first federal states want to draw an existing legal regulation and end the claim for unvaccinated people.

On this Wednesday, the health ministers want to discuss a line that is as uniform as possible. What has been the case so far and what should change? An overview of important questions and answers.

Which cases of quarantine are you talking about?

If an infection is suspected, for example as a contact person for infected people, the health department can order that you have to go into quarantine – and not be able to go to the office or the company. However, this is becoming an increasingly important issue for people who have not yet been vaccinated. Quarantine requirements usually do not apply to fully vaccinated people.

Who has paid the compensation so far and who has received it?

So far, employees who were unable to work because of the quarantine ordered and who therefore suffered financial losses have been able to receive compensation. Specifically, the employer makes advance payments when paying out – and can then apply for the money to be reimbursed by the state.

The following applies: Compensation in the full amount of the loss can be granted for six weeks, as the Federal Ministry of Health explains. At the beginning of the seventh week, compensation of 67 percent of the loss of earnings can still be granted – for a full month, however, no more than an amount of 2016 euros.

What should change now?

The Infection Protection Act already contains exceptions for people who have not been vaccinated – it just has not yet been applied. Specifically, it says there is no entitlement to compensation if the ordered quarantine could have been avoided by a publicly recommended vaccination. The same applies if you have made an “avoidable trip” to a corona risk area with high numbers of infections abroad and then have to be quarantined after your return.

Why should the compensation no longer be paid out?

The reasoning is: A vaccination offer could now be made to anyone, so there would simply be no more quarantine and financial losses. Bavaria’s head of department Klaus Holetschek, who is also chairman of the health ministers’ conference, recently made it clear: If there are no health reasons against a vaccination, he ultimately no longer sees any reason for taxpayers to shoulder compensation for loss of earnings. Everyone can get vaccinated and avoid quarantine, the CSU politician recently told ARD.

Federal Minister of Health Jens Spahn (CDU) had also shown sympathy for such a line. It is like free tests that are financed by taxpayers: He does not see “why others should pay in the long run if someone does not opt ​​for the free vaccination even though he could,” said Spahn.

In which federal states are there already advances?

Ultimately, the competence for the implementation lies with the federal states, although a nationwide approach is sought. Still, some countries have already made an advance. Baden-Württemberg was the first state to stop compensation for unvaccinated people in the event of loss of earnings – and implemented it from September 15. The state government justified the point in time by stating that everyone had an opportunity for a vaccination by mid-September.

There are exceptions for people who cannot take advantage of a vaccination, for example for medical reasons. Rhineland-Palatinate wants to implement this on October 1st. In Bremen and North Rhine-Westphalia, for example, the governments are planning similar steps in October.

Should I no longer pay in the event of a Covid 19 infection?

Indeed. “It’s about wage compensation for contact persons of infected people in quarantine – not about continued payment of wages in the event of illness,” emphasized a spokeswoman for the Federal Ministry of Health. “Anyone who gets infected is sick and has a right to it.” If an employee falls ill with Corona, payments will continue – even for those who have not been vaccinated.

Who is criticizing an end to compensation for the unvaccinated?

The new regulation increases the pressure on the unvaccinated – the social debate is correspondingly controversial. The chairman of the German Trade Union Federation (DGB), Reiner Hoffmann, sharply criticized the decision of the advancing federal states on Deutschlandfunk and spoke of a “compulsory vaccination through the back door”. In his view, the conflict about compulsory corona vaccination will be shifted to employees and companies – with massive consequences under labor law.

In case of doubt, sensitive health data would also have to be disclosed here as to why employees could not have themselves vaccinated, Hoffmann said on Deutschlandfunk. It is a rule of solidarity to be vaccinated, but not with the instrument of canceling the compensation. Verdi boss Frank Werneke told the newspapers of the Funke media group: “The policy says that vaccination should remain voluntary.”

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