When the problems with the new Chinese coronavirus just started, we actually did not know what was coming our way. Some images from China indicated that the death rate could be around 3%, that it was extremely contagious, and that everybody – from young to old – could perish. It was, quite frankly, a nightmare. Something we’d only seen in movies until recently.
Today we know it happy all is less bad than feared.
But something crazy is going on. Despite the fact that it all seems to be better than expected compared to our initial fears, it is government policy not adjusted. In fact, it seems that the cabinet intends to become even stricter and more fanatic if possible.
We see all this. But there is only one party in The Hague with the courage to say that out loud – because yes, if you do that you will immediately be attacked by the left-wing media who only want more, more, more measures. I am of course talking about the Forum for Democracy, and in particular its leader Thierry Baudet.
Like me this morning wrote Baudet is again under fire today. He said yesterday during the FVD Journaal that the sign language interpreter is first and foremost brought to the corona press conferences to create an atmosphere of urgency. This is of course twisted by his opponents to “he does not believe there are deaf people in the Netherlands,” but yes, that’s how the left rolls.
For the sake of clarity, Baudet has decided to open his Twitter app and provide some text and explanation: