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Corona incidence continues with downward trend – hamburg.de

Kiel (dpa / lno) – The corona incidence in Schleswig-Holstein continues to show a downward trend in a weekly comparison. The number of new infections registered per 100,000 people within a week was 365.1 on Tuesday, according to data from the state registration office (as of 6:14 p.m.). A week earlier, the value was 394.4. In the country overview of the Robert Koch Institute, Schleswig-Holstein ranks in the middle.

However, the incidence does not provide a complete picture of the infection situation. Experts have been assuming for some time that there has been a high number of unrecorded cases – mainly because not all infected people have a PCR test done. Only positive PCR tests count in the statistics. In addition, late registrations or transmission problems can lead to a distortion of individual daily values.

The number of reported new corona infections reached 2741 on Tuesday, a week earlier it was 2839. According to the information, 439 people were treated in connection with the virus in the clinics (previous week: 450). According to this, there were still 27 corona patients in the intensive care units (previous week: 31); 15 were ventilated.

The hospitalization incidence on Monday was 6.46. It indicates how many patients per 100,000 inhabitants were admitted to hospitals with a corona infection within a week. A week earlier, that number was 6.15. Since the beginning of the pandemic in spring 2020, 2,760 people have died in Schleswig-Holstein in connection with a corona infection. The state registration office gave the number of recovered people as 897,900.

Among the districts and urban districts, Ostholstein continued to record the highest seven-day incidence at 568.8. Like the day before, Lübeck (541.4) and Flensburg (510.4) follow. The district of Stormarn (235.9) came last from the state capital Kiel (248.1).

© dpa-infocom, dpa:220809-99-330675/2

Corona case numbers SH

Registration data from the University of Kiel

RKI Dashboard

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