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Corona in the Main-Kinzig-Kreis: This is the situation in the municipalities

The incidence in the Main-Kinzig district was 120.7 on Tuesday. From Monday, September 6th, stricter rules will apply.

  • Corona in the Main-Kinzig district: The RKI reported an incidence of 120.7 on Tuesday.
  • Stricter corona rules now apply in the Main-Kinzig district.
  • This news ticker on the corona situation in the Main-Kinzig district is updated regularly.

Update from September 7th, 9:06 am: The Corona incidence in the Main-Kinzig district on Tuesday, September 7th, was 120.7, according to the data from the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) (as of 3.16 a.m.). Since the pandemic began, 24,237 people have been infected with the virus – 50 more than on Monday.

As the health department announced, the city of Schlüchtern is the lonely “front runner” among the municipalities in the Main-Kinzig district with a calculated value of 371, followed by the city of Hanau (182). The high seven-day incidence in Bergwinkelstadt is made up of the high number of new infections in the past week in relation to the number of inhabitants (around 16,000) (59). Of these, however, 31 cases go back to the outbreak in an initial reception facility (we reported).

Only in the large cities of Hanau (171) and Maintal (61) are the absolute numbers of new infections higher than in Schlüchtern, where 68 people are currently classified as infectious.

Corona in the Main-Kinzig-Kreis: This is the situation in the municipalities

The situation in the other Bergwinkel municipalities looks much more manageable. With an incidence of 29 (4 new corona cases within a week, 12 infectious people), Steinau brings up the rear, in Sinntal the value is 45 (4 new cases in one week, currently 5 infectious people) and in the spa town Bad Soden-Salmünster, the value is just over 100 (14 cases in the past seven days, 27 people infectious).

Update from September 6th, 9:07 am: The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) has not reported any new corona cases in the Main-Kinzig district in the past 24 hours. With 544 new infections in the past seven days, the incidence in the district remains at 129.0.

Because the incidence mark of 100 was cracked last week, stricter corona rules apply in the Main-Kinzig district from today.

Update from September 5th, 8:07 a.m .: The seven-day incidence has continued to rise in the Main-Kinzig district. On Sunday, the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) reported a value of 129.0 per 100,000 inhabitants within seven days (previous day: 124.0). 65 new infections were registered within 24 hours.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, 24,187 infections and 638 deaths (+0) have been reported in the Main-Kinzig district. After the cities of Offenbach (210.9), Kassel (164.1) and Frankfurt (158.6) as well as the district of Offenbach (146.7), Wiesbaden (138.9) and the district of Fulda (136.3) is the Incidence in the Main-Kinzig district (129.0) is currently the seventh highest value in Hesse.

Corona incidence in the Main-Kinzig district rises to 129 – the seventh highest in Hesse

Update from September 4th, 10:25 am: The seven-day incidence has continued to rise in the Main-Kinzig district. On Saturday, the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) gave a value of 124.0 per 100,000 inhabitants within seven days (previous day: 119.0). 92 new infections were registered within 24 hours.

After the cities of Offenbach (191.0), Kassel (154.7), Frankfurt (149.1) and Wiesbaden (132.1) as well as the districts of Offenbach (130.7) and Fulda (130.0) the incident is in Main-Kinzig-Kreis (124.0) thus currently the seventh-highest value in Hesse.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, 24,122 infections and 638 deaths have been reported in the Main-Kinzig district. Accordingly, four people in the Main-Kinzig district have died in connection with Corona since Wednesday

+++ 9.44 a.m .: The Robert Koch Institute reported 92 new infections with the corona virus on Friday for the Main-Kinzig district. The seven-day incidence thus rises in a circle from 110.7 to 119.0. Since the beginning of the pandemic, 24,030 people have been infected with the virus in a circle.

Update from September 3, 9:34 a.m .: A new general decree will come into force on Monday because the incidence values ​​are too high. This means that new, stricter corona rules apply in the Main-Kinzig district – such as the expansion of the 3G rules in closed rooms.

+++ 2:14 p.m .: The district announced that the new corona rules in the Main-Kinzig district will only apply from Monday. A detailed press release on the exact consequences and how to proceed has been announced for the afternoon.

Update from September 2, 8:35 a.m .: The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) reported 93 new corona infections and four more deaths in the Main-Kinzig district on Thursday. With 467 coronavirus cases in the past seven days, the incidence has risen from 98.4 to 110.7.

When and how the district will react to exceeding the 100 mark is not yet clear. For the Fulda district, stricter corona rules will apply from Monday. The Main-Kinzig district will probably react in a similar way.

First report from September 1st, 11:57 a.m .:

Main-Kinzig-Kreis – A short-term delivery has been promised, so that the complete distribution to the respective schools can be completed by the end of October, according to a press release. The Main-Kinzig-Kreis has thus corrected Monday’s announcement that “the first devices will be set up this week”. Rather, the precise locations are to be determined and documented during these days.

The technical criteria had been defined in advance with external specialists and the experts from the Office for Health and Hazard Defense. This included, for example, the air flow rate, filtration technology, sound level and proper operation and maintenance.

The selected air purifiers work with a highly efficient fabric filter to remove airborne viruses from the air that is sucked in. Maintenance and servicing of the filter devices will then be coordinated directly by the contracted company, according to the district administration’s announcement.

Corona in the Main-Kinzig-Kreis: 1000 mobile air purifiers ordered for schools

The schools have already been informed. In this letter of notification it was emphasized again that mobile room air filters only complement the ventilation measures, but do not replace them. Furthermore, the recommendation to ventilate at 20-minute intervals applies.

Meanwhile, the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) reported 175 new infections for the Main-Kinzig district on Wednesday (as of 3.14). Since the beginning of the pandemic, 23,845 people have been infected with the virus. 634 people died of or with Corona. Meanwhile, the incidence drops to the 100 mark: On Wednesday the value was 98.4.

According to the escalation concept of the State of Hesse, the general rule of contact in the public is from an incidence of more than 100: a maximum of 10 people from different households or two households, children up to and including 14 years of age as well as those who have recovered and who have been completely vaccinated are not counted. A negative proof is required for outdoor catering. Events, cultural activities and larger gatherings are limited to 200 people outdoors and 100 people indoors (plus those who have been vaccinated / recovered).

(Note: The previous Corona News Ticker for the Main-Kinzig-Kreis can be found here)

In addition, a mask should also be worn at the seat in schools. There is also a general recommendation for working from home. The district of Fulda already exceeded the 100 limit on Wednesday.

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