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Corona in Sweden: – – Most powerful increase ever

Throughout large parts of the pandemic, Sweden has had a higher infection pressure than its neighboring countries, and at most there were more than ten times as many hospitalized in Swedish hospitals as in Norway.

When the omicron variant of the coronavirus was discovered in late November, Europe was hit by another wave of infections. Country after country – including Norway – constantly reported new infection records. But in Sweden the situation was different, and in early December, Sweden was one of the countries in Europe that was least affected by the pandemic, according to Aftonbladet.

Now, however, the spread of infection has accelerated in Sweden as well, and it is only a matter of time before the country’s infection record (11,376 cases) from 2020 is broken.

– A pressured situation

In Jämtland and Härjedalen, the infection has increased at record speed after Christmas. Never before has the region registered so many daily cases of infection as now.

This week, almost 900 new cases of infection have been registered so far. That is more than twice as many as the week before, when the total number was 382, ​​writes Expressen.

– This is probably the strongest increase we have seen, says infection control doctor Lisa Fohlin to the radio channel Ekot.

About half of the cases are omicron.

There are several popular winter sports resorts in the region, such as Åre, Vemdalen and Östersund. Several of these resorts experienced a large order pressure ahead of Christmas and New Year, and assistant infection control doctor in the region, Lisa Fohlin, does not rule out that the increase in infection may be related to many visitors during the holidays.

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Blows the forecasts

The omicron variant has gained a foothold in the country, and the infection is now spreading rapidly in several Swedish regions.

In fact, the current spread of infection is so extensive that it blows up the Public Health Agency’s (FHM) “worst case” scenario.

Just over a week ago, FHM published three scenarios for the spread of infection in Sweden in the future. In the worst case scenario, FHM estimated that around 8,000 people could be infected daily at the turn of the year – a scenario that has already proven to be too optimistic. On December 28, 9,248 cases of infection were registered, a number that increased to 10,874 the next day, according to Swedish daily newspaper.

The same “worst case” scenario says that just under 14,000 people may be infected daily in mid-January.


Sweden has already taken action to overcome the infection.

Just before Christmas, the country’s new prime minister, Magdalena Andersson, tightened entry rules. Everyone who is going into the country – vaccinated or not – must now present documentation on a negative coronatest.

The test can be either of the PCR or antigen type (rapid test), but must then be documented – so it is not enough to take a rapid test at home. In addition, it must be taken the last 48 hours before arrival.

The Swedish government also introduced a number of other infection control measures in the country, with a number of restrictions on events, requirements for seated guests in restaurants and public transport and the like.

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