Even in pandemic and lockdown times, the uninterrupted supply of seriously ill patients with blood reserves is necessary. The DRK blood donation service north-east has therefore organized a second appointment in Guben after the start on January 7th. Those willing to donate can be tapped on Thursday, January 14, from 3 to 7 p.m. in the DRK meeting center on Otto-Nuschke-Straße.- However, there are a few things to consider in advance. Particularly important: It is mandatory to reserve an appointment online via terminreservierung.blutspende-nordost.de necessary. According to Kerstin Schweiger, the press spokeswoman for the blood donation service, this is the only way to manage appointments and keep the distance rules. People with cold symptoms, fever and diarrhea are not permitted; mouth and nose protection is to be worn. Further information is available on the hotline on 0800 1194911.-
Despite Corona, the willingness to donate in Guben was very stable in the past year, said Kerstin Schweiger. “The exact figures for 2020 are not yet available, but as in previous years they should total around 1000 donations.” On average, blood donations take place once a month in Guben, in addition to the DRK meeting center, especially in the Obersprucke cultural center. The special blood donation at Hoffmann-Möbel could also take place. The only restrictions were in the Wilkestift: only one appointment could be made there due to the pandemic. “Of course, we cannot yet say what will happen with blood donations at Wilkestift in 2021,” says Kerstin Schweiger.