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Corona in Oslo – Asks for advice after an infection record

677 new registered infected is the highest number in one day so far during the pandemic. The figure for Tuesday is 305 higher than it was for Monday. The average for the last week is 341 contagious per day, while the average for the last two weeks is 239.

Oslo City Councilor Raymond Johansen tells NTB that there is no doubt that the infection situation is now demanding for parents, students and schools.

– It is also for Oslo municipality. We have not had as many cases of infection during the pandemic as we have now, says Johansen.

He says the infection has risen more after school starts than the analyzes of the national authorities suggest, and is now so high that Oslo and a number of other municipalities last week asked for changes in the national requirements for how the municipalities should test schoolchildren and track corona infection.

Asked for advice

– We got it, and therefore we go this week and next from carrying out infection detection and testing of all close contacts in schools, to introducing regular rapid testing of all students. This will provide a better ongoing overview and control over the infection situation. In addition, the work of tracing infections in households continues with undiminished vigor, says the city council leader.

Johansen says they follow the situation closely, and have an ongoing dialogue with national health authorities.

– On Tuesday, we asked for advice from the national health authorities on whether we should implement more measures. We will review the advice as soon as we receive it.

– The most important thing in the future will probably not be measures, but to continue the full vaccination of those over 18 years, and begin the vaccination of 16- and 17-year-olds. In addition, we need an urgent clarification about vaccination of those who are between 12 and 15 years old, says Johansen.

Highest in Nordre Aker

Infection rates in Oslo are highest in the Nordre Aker district. The infection pressure is 876 per 100,000 inhabitants in the last two weeks, and 63 new infections were registered in the district in the last 24 hours.

This is followed by the districts of Alna with 791 and Søndre Nordstrand with 756.

The district Vestre Aker currently has the lowest infection rates. There is an infection pressure of 417 infected per 100,000 inhabitants in the last two weeks, and 41 new infected people were registered in the district in the last 24 hours.

A total of 43,675 Oslo citizens have been registered infected since March last year.

By far the most infected in the last 14 days are in the age group 10–19 years, where 1780 infected have been registered. Then follows the group 20–29 years, with 741.

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