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Corona in Offenbach / Hanau: Where curfews apply – and where they still threaten

  • ofMarcel Richters

    shut down

Corona hotspots in Hesse get curfews due to the high number of infections. The Main-Kinzig district and the city and district of Offenbach are also affected.

  • In the region around Hanau and Offenbach strict curfews come into force.
  • The regulations aim to reduce the number of new infections in Corona*-Hotspots to reduce.
  • The city and district are affected Offenbach as well as the Main-Kinzig district.

Offenbach – For Corona-Hotspots in Hessen it will Curfews give. Also a full day Alcohol ban in public is planned. This was announced by Prime Minister Volker Bouffier (CDU) on Tuesday (December 8th, 2020) in a government statement.

From 9 p.m. to 5 a.m .: curfew in Hessian corona hotspots – affected regions

Accordingly, the Curfews in Corona-Hotspots like Offenbach apply from 9 p.m. to 5 a.m. They will be introduced on Friday (December 11th, 2020) and will initially remain in force until January 10th. Also drinking from alcohol in public and the sale of alcoholic beverages “to go” is then prohibited. This ban will then no longer only apply at night, as before, but around the clock. The Curfew* and the Alcohol ban come into force wherever the 7-day incidence per 100,000 population exceeds 200.

Since the incidence values ​​in the regions sometimes vary from day to day and can exceed and fall below the threshold value within 48 hours, the municipalities only have to take action if the 7 day incidence stabilized over 200 in three consecutive days. This is explained by the State Secretary of the Hessian Ministry of Social Affairs, Anne Janz. The additional ones should be repealed Corona measures not again until the incidence is below 200 for five consecutive days.

Curfew in Hessen: These regions have an incidence of more than 200

In the region around Offenbach, Darmstadt and Hanau are currently the City and the Offenbach district as well as the Main-Kinzig district of the new Corona rules affected. In the City of Offenbach lies the Corona incidence according to the Robert Koch Institute on Monday (14.12.2020) at 254.1, in Main-Kinzig district at 247.1. in the Offenbach district the value on Monday was 233.3. This means that the district is also affected by a night curfew. The Odenwaldkreis has now also exceeded the critical value of 200. The RKI reported an incidence of 252.3 on Monday.

Corona curfew in Hessen: the incidences from the region

City or county 7-day incidence (as of December 14, 2020, midnight)
City of Offenbach 254,1
City of Frankfurt 148,5
City of Darmstadt 135,1
Offenbach district 233,3
Bergstrasse district 153,1
Darmstadt-Dieburg district 162,2
Main-Kinzig district 247,1
Odenwaldkreis 252,3

Curfew in Corona hotspots like Offenbach: Exceptions

During the Curfew from 9 p.m. to 5 a.m. you can only leave your own apartment for “important reasons”. The Hessian Ministry of Social Affairs this includes, for example, “professional or medical requirements”. The apartment can then be left:

  • to carry out professional or official activities, including participation of volunteers in fire brigade, disaster control and rescue services
  • for the use of medical, therapeutic and veterinary care services
  • to exercise custody and access rights or to accompany and care for people in need of support and minors
  • to accompany the dying
  • to participate in services on special religious occasions
  • for the care of animals as well as for measures to control and prevent animal diseases

The new Corona rules were added to the escalation level concept of the state of Hesse as an extension. The ministry explains that in corona hospots like Offenbach or Hanauwhere the incidence is persistently above 200, special measures are necessary.

The extended escalation concept of the state of Hesse defines the procedure for combating the corona pandemic on the basis of the infection process.

© Hessian Ministry for Social Affairs and Integration

With the escalation level concept, the state sets clear guidelines for which infection events and which specific measures are to be taken on site. You can read in our news ticker for Hesse which regions have already issued general decrees that include a night curfew and a ban on alcohol. (Marcel Richters) * op-online.de is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.

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