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Corona in NRW: Police dissolve Corona party in Krefeld

Cologne / Düsseldorf –

The coronavirus has spread widely in North Rhine-Westphalia in the past few months, but the number of infections is now falling further and further. The virus is still a long way from being defeated. In our ticker you always stay up to date when it comes to the pandemic situation in North Rhine-Westphalia.

Corona in NRW: The most important things in brief in the ticker

Here you can see the overview of the 7-day incidence of the largest NRW cities according to the Landeszentrum Gesundheit (LZG) NRW:

city 27.06. 26.06. 25.06.
Aachen 4,8 4,8 5,9
Bielefeld 1,5 1,5 1,5
Bochum 5,5 5,5 5,7
Bonn 4,9 4,9 6,1
Dortmund 9,0 10,9 10,5
Duisburg 4,4 6,2 8,0
Düren 3,8 3,8 3,4
Düsseldorf 5,8 5,5 5,6
Essen 7,0 9,1 9,6
Euskirchen 2,6 3,1 3,1
Gelsenkirchen 5,8 5,8 6,2
Hagen 11,7 14,3 16,4
Hamm 9,4 7,8 5,0
Herne 3,8 5,8 6,4
Cologne 8,3 8,7 9,4
Krefeld 9,7 9,7 9,7
Leverkusen 9,8 7,9 7,9
M’gladbach 3,1 4,2 5,7
Münster 1,9 2,2 2,5
Oberhausen 6,2 8,1 8,1
Recklinghausen 4,6 5,5 6,5
Remscheid 6,3 6,3 7,2
Rhine mountain 1,8 1,8 2,8
Rhine-Erft 7,4 8,3 7,7
Rhine victory 2,3 3,2 3,7
Solingen 5,7 6,3 6,9
Wuppertal 9,6 9,3 10,7
NRW as a whole 5,9 6,2 6,4

Update from June 27th: Police dissolve Corona party in Krefeld, 7-day incidence in NRW continues to decline

  • In the night from Saturday (June 26) to Sunday (June 27), the police in Krefeld broke up a larger corona party. Between 250 and 300 people met in a hall on Mevissenstrasse after the party was called on Instagram. According to the Krefeld police, the requirements of the Corona Protection Ordinance were not complied with. When the police broke up the party, some party guests began to flee – both a party guest who fell while fleeing and an officer who was run over were injured. Organizers and visitors to the party are now expecting a complaint for violating the Corona Protection Ordinance.
  • The number of reported new corona infections in North Rhine-Westphalia remains low. The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) reported 123 new cases on Sunday. The nationwide seven-day incidence continued to decline slightly to 5.9 on Sunday. On Saturday the value was 6.2. It indicates the number of new infections per 100,000 inhabitants within a week. Nationwide, the incidence on Sunday was 5.7. Six NRW municipalities recorded double-digit values. The Oberbergische Kreis had the highest incidence of 13.2. 25 of the 53 cities and districts in North Rhine-Westphalia had values ​​below 5. The health department in the Höxter district was again not aware of a single new case, so the incidence remained at 0.0. Another person died in connection with a corona infection. Since the beginning of the pandemic, there have been 17,113 nationwide.

Update from June 26th: Delta variant at schools in Bergisch Gladbach, free appointment allocation starts in the vaccination centers

  • In spite of sharply declining case numbers have new corona cases in Bergisch Gladbach again for Restrictions at two schools taken care of. As the Rheinisch-Bergische Kreis announced on Saturday, in a case that became known last week in a primary school, the Delta variant of the virus detected. The contact persons of the child concerned have already been identified and placed in quarantine, including the child’s immediate neighbors. “In agreement with the school management and parents, distance lessons were agreed for the entire class.” Three siblings also tested positive. This affects three school classes at a special needs school in Bergisch Gladbach. These classes now also spend the last week of school before the summer holidays in distance learning. Which corona variant the three children are affected by is still being determined. According to the Robert Koch Institute, the seven-day incidence in the Rheinisch-Bergisches Kreis was 1.8 on Saturday, making it the fourth-lowest value of all 53 municipalities in North Rhine-Westphalia. In the India discovered Delta variant of the coronavirus is considered particularly contagious. This mutation is already prevalent in Great Britain, and its share is also increasing in Germany – at at the same time falling number of cases.
  • Every citizen in North Rhine-Westphalia can now apply for a vaccination appointment in one of the 53 vaccination centers nationwide. The prioritization of appointments is also canceled for vaccination centers with effect from 8 a.m. on Saturday. The state government has announced this. The Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians warn against high expectations for the first few days of the appointment booking, which is now released for everyone. According to the KV Nordrhein, it will not be possible to book any appointments at first. Only when the NRW Ministry of Health releases new vaccination contingents, the corresponding dates could be activated in the booking system, explained the KV Nordrhein in a message on Friday. In addition, the districts and independent cities need a lead time for scheduling and the capacities in the respective vaccination center. It can be assumed that further appointments will only be activated in the course of the coming week. “It is important that the population remains patient again here. All those who want to be vaccinated will receive a vaccination offer in the coming weeks, ”the board of the KV Westfalen-Lippe said in a statement on Friday.
  • The NRW Ministry of Health pointed out that Children aged 12 to under 16 receive a vaccination offer from the pediatrician or family doctorif the Standing Vaccination Commission has recommended a vaccination for you – for example because of a previous illness. According to data from the Robert Koch Institute on Friday, 55 percent of the population in the most populous federal state has been vaccinated at least once. 36.4 percent are fully vaccinated.

Update from June 25th: Höxter at incidence zero, date for first folk festivals is

  • In North Rhine-Westphalia it is Seven-day incidence of new corona infections further decreased slightly. At the Friday (June 25th) was the value according to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) at 6.4 after 6.8 on the previous day and 7.4 on Wednesday.
    The development in the District of Höxter: The health authorities reported you there Value of 0.0 after 0.7 the day before. NRW is the code number for the Number of new infections still just above the federal valuewhich was 6.2 on Friday.
  • Good news for Sagittarius and other party-loving contemporaries: With low infection rates are Folk festivals in North Rhine-Westphalia from August 27th allowed again. So far, the starting shot should be on September 1st. The country’s new Corona Protection Ordinance published on Thursday (June 24th) thus enables “City, village and street festivals, rifle festivals, wine festivals and similar festive events up to 1000 participating people with evidence of a negative test “a weekend earlier.

June 24 update: Free fall incidence, Laumann announces pop-up theme parks for the summer

  • Showmen are said to be so-called again in the summer Pop-up amusement parks in North Rhine-Westphalia can operate. According to NRW Health Minister Karl-Josef Laumann (CDU), the Visitor restrictions for amusement parks also for that with the Corona Protection Ordinance valid from Friday to July 8th of the country loosened.
    Instead of one person per 20 square meters in an amusement park, consider Upper limit provided for one person per 10 square meters. That was also a big request from the showmen with a view to mobile amusement parks, said Laumann. So it will be one or the other Provide leisure activities for the children who do not go on vacation can, explained Laumann.
  • The Seven-day incidence New corona infections in North Rhine-Westphalia are still on the downward trend. According to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), the value was included on Thursday 6,8. The day before, the index for the number of new infections per 100,000 inhabitants within seven days was 7.4. Nationwide, the RKI determined a seven-day incidence of 6.6 for Thursday.
    The highest incidence value continued to be recorded in North Rhine-Westphalia Hagen with 19.6. Tended against it Höxter with an incidence of 0.7 towards zero. The Minden-Lübbecke district at 1.0 was also at the lower end of the scale.
    Within 24 hours were in the most populous state 196 new infections recorded. Ten deaths in connection with Corona were added. Since the beginning of the pandemic, there have been 17,093 in NRW.

Update from June 23: Dates for first vaccinations again

  • At the vaccination centers in North Rhine-Westphalia, starting this Wednesday (June 23) again appointments for the first corona vaccinations to be agreed. Despite the lifting of the vaccination prioritization, the first vaccinations are there however, reserved for people over the age of 60 or those with previous illnesses. The Offer also applies to employees in hospitals or employees of facilities for people with disabilitiesThose who have not yet received a vaccination through their employer or family doctor reported the associations of statutory health insurance physicians. All other If you do not have a vaccination offer, you should first try it with your general practitioner or company doctor.
    After only vaccine for second vaccinations had been available in the vaccination centers of the municipalities and districts in the past few weeks, the Ministry of Health has the Delivery of around 80,000 Biontech cans promised for the first prick. In the following week it should be almost twice as much again. Health Minister Karl-Josef Laumann (CDU) had the Focus in the vaccination centers on certain groups of people So justified, especially people with previous illnesses shouldn’t have to wait any longer. He had also announced that all those 12 and over who would like to be vaccinated could receive an initial vaccination by the end of July.
    The Appointments in the vaccination centers are possible as before by telephone and online via the portal of the Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians Westphalia-Lippe and North Rhine. To prove the previous illness, those wishing to vaccinate must bring an informal certificate from the attending physician to the vaccination center. These do not have to be presented when booking an appointment.
  • The Seven-day incidence new corona infections in North Rhine-Westphalia continue to decline. On Wednesday it was Key figure at 7.4, while on Tuesday it was 8.2. This comes from data on the website of the Robert Koch Institute (RKI). The value in the corona pandemic relates to the number of new infections per 100,000 inhabitants within seven days.

Update from June 22nd: Incidence in North Rhine-Westphalia is still on the decline

  • The Seven-day incidence in North Rhine-Westphalia continues to decline. The key figure was included on Tuesday 8,2 and with it 1.0 lower than the day before, as can be seen from data on the website of the Robert Koch Institute (RKI). The value in the corona pandemic relates to the number of new infections per 100,000 inhabitants within seven days. Has among the independent cities and districts Hagen has the highest incidence with 27.6 in NRW. It looks best in the Minden-Lübbecke district (1,3), Höxter (2,1) and Münster (2.5) off. Nationwide lay the Incidence at 8.0. 16 corona-related deaths were added in NRW within 24 hours, a total ofdied in the state since the outbreak of the pandemic 17 064 people in the aftermath of infection.

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