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Corona in Italy: terrible pictures show doctors – report from Bergamo: “outbreak out of control”

In Italy the situation is getting worse. The peak of the crisis still does not seem to have been reached. Experts make assumptions.

Update from March 23, 12:15 p.m .: The Italian show in the Corona crisis* creative and diverse their admiration for the brave and hardworking doctors and nurses.

How hard their job in fighting that Corona virus are now documenting heartbreaking photos from the hospitals – especially in the Lombardy , – shared on Twitter.

On it you can see doctors whose faces seem to show abrasions and swellings due to the non-stop use through face masks and protective glasses.

The Italians are coming together in the crisis – and they are just as emotional in the comments to the tweets.

Update from March 23, 2020, 10:21 a.m .: From Bergamo, one of the Epicentres of the Corona crisis in Italy, was on the weekend shocking report published, which documents the situation there. On the international website Catalyst.nejm.org, which serves as an exchange and information platform for doctors, clinic directors and other people working in the healthcare sector, employees report from the dramatic states in one Bergamo Hospital. “Our hospital is highly contaminated and we have long exceeded the threshold: 300 of our 900 beds are occupied by CoVid 19 patients,” the report says.

Corona crisis in Italy: hospitals in Bergamo on the verge of collapse

In addition 70 percent of intensive care beds the clinic reserved for critical CoVid-19 patientsthat would have a real chance of survival. This is why patients who come to the intensive care unit sometimes have to wait for a sick bed for hours. “Elderly patients are not resuscitated, die alone without adequate palliative care, while the family is notified by phone, often from an exhausted and emotionally drained doctor who has had no direct contact with the patient, ”the hospital staff report.

But the situation in the surrounding region is even worse. “Most Hospitals are overcrowded and on the verge of collapse“It says in the text. Medicines, respirators, oxygen and personal protective gear be not available. The health system also has difficulties in providing regular services such as pregnancy care or childbirth.

Corona crisis in Italy: There is probably no social distancing among prison inmates

Also Cemeteries are now overwhelmedThe authors of the report fear that a new public health problem will arise. In hospitals, employees see themselves alone in the hallway while they try Maintain system functionality. Outside of hospitals, community administration is neglected, Vaccination programs would only be used on demand and the situation in Prisons get explosive there no social distancing take place. “We have been in since March 10th quarantine“, Write the authors in their report from Bergamo. “Unfortunately, the outside world doesn’t seem to be aware that the Outbreak in Bergamo is out of control. “

Update from March 22, 11:20 p.m .: The Corona pandemic meets Italy undiminished hard. All the most drastic measures against a further spread of the Corona virus currently fizzle out. Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte speaks of the worst crisis in the country since World War II.

In view of ever new record numbers among the dead and infected Italy therefore another, extreme step: By April 3, all companies and factories in the third largest economy in the euro zone should remain closed that are not essential for daily life.

A total of 59 138 infected people were recorded by Sunday – and the trend is rising.

Corona crisis in Italy: hundreds die on Sunday too

Update from March 22, 9 p.m .: While in Italy for a long time Curfew applies, which is strictly controlled by the police, have Chancellor Angela Merkel and the prime ministers of the German federal states in Fighting the corona virus a ban on contact for citizens enacted – for at least two weeks.

Update from March 22nd, 6.30pm: The number of Fatality in Italy because of corona
keep on climbing.

As the civil defense announced on Sunday, another 651 people have succumbed to the novel corona virus within 24 hours. With that died in Italy Already nearly 5500 infected, it is the second highest daily balance Corona dead in the EU country. On Saturday, the number of deaths per day reached 793, a new record.

The number of detected coronavirus infections in Italy rose by 5560 to 59,158 on Sunday, the agency said. This was an increase of a good ten percent compared to the previous day.

Update from March 22, 5.45 p.m .: There are deaths because of corona also in and around the Italian capital Rome to complain.

Overall, as of Saturday in the Lazio region, which is also the city Rome includes, 1,190 Corona cases registered. Of these, 661 reportedly had to go to hospital, 70 in intensive care. 50 died as a result of Coronavirus infection, 54 sufferers are considered cured.

Corona crisis in Italy: fatal corona virus spread in a religious house

Update from March 22nd, 5:30 p.m .: The Corona spread in a religious house in the greater Rome area is worse than initially feared. Like the newspaper Corriere della Sera 60 sisters were positive in Grottaferrata at the Figlie di San Camillo Institute Corona virus tested.

Rome: A medical worker in a protective suit is waiting for a patient next to an ambulance.

© picture alliance / dpa / Cheng Tingting

How the serious infection came about is unclear, especially since many of the sisters had worked in clinics and therefore have medical knowledge.

Caused a sensation in Rome another infested religious house. In the Roman branch of the Suore angeliche di San Paolo, 19 out of 21 women tested positive at the weekend.

Corona crisis in Italy: Czech Republic confiscates 100,000 face masks – targeting Italy

Update from March 22nd, 5:15 p.m .: Serious mistake: the Czech Republic wrongly has for Italy certain protective masks were confiscated – and the misfortune was only recognized afterwards.

The Czech authorities had confiscated more than 100,000 face masks, which were actually made for that Corona virus affected Italy were determined. Foreign Minister Tomas Petricek admitted the mistake this Sunday. This was not done on purpose, the agency’s Socialist said CTK. We are looking for a way how the masks could still reach their destination in the beginning of next week.

First report from March 22nd: 793 people are like that Corona virus in Italy fell victim – in just one day. That is more than ever. By Saturday, 4825 people had died in the most affected country in the world, said civil protection in Rome.

Italian military trucks bring corona corpses from Lombardy to Ferrara.

© dpa / Massimo Paolone

Overall, the number of infected people rose to 53,578 – more than 4,800 more than the previous day. Lombardy with the areas of Milan and Bergamo is particularly affected.

546 people died there on Friday alone. A total of 3095 people from this region have thus fallen victim to the corona virus in only this region. More and more people are falling victim to Covid-19 in Great Britain. Prime Minister Boris Johnson has made great accusations.

Corona situation in Italy comes to a head: almost 800 dead – experts speculate

It sounds dramatic and it is. The clinics are at the end of their capacity, the doctors at the end of their strength. The military has to help with burials. The question everybody keeps asking: Why is the number soaring in Italy? And why so quickly compared to all other nations on earth. There could be several reasons:

  • Italy has one of the oldest populations in the world – and most of the dead were older people with pre-existing conditions.
  • Many grandparents live with their children and grandchildren in the house or are more involved in everyday life than, for example, in Germany. Therefore, infections are easier.
  • Experts also assume that the number of unreported cases among infected people is significantly higher than stated, and many cases that are mild or asymptomatic are not recorded. (You can find information about symptoms here) According to ARD research, there are only 8.4 intensive care beds per 100,000 inhabitants in Italy, while 33.9 beds are available for 100,000 people in Germany.
  • The exponentially increasing number of sufferers in Italy makes it impossible to control the virus and guarantee treatment for all patients.
  • More tests are being carried out in Germany, which is why more infections are discovered earlier. Experts also believe that the virus may have spread unnoticed in Italy for a long time, which would mean a high number of unreported cases. Virologist Prof. Dr. Christian Drosten says, for example: “Here in Germany we are at the forefront when it comes to diagnostics and detection.”
  • Above all, the many laboratories in Germany that support each other are led by Prof. Dr. Drosten as the main reason for the low death toll. In particular, the exchange among each other and the waiver of the exclusivity of tests or information may have given Germany a certain advantage. “That slowed down a lot in other countries,” said Drosten.

Corona virus tragedy in Italy – Germany better equipped?

But he warns Germany: There are enough beds available and there are better trained specialists than in Italy, but the big but follows: “We still have far too little of this good intensive care medicine.” The crisis has caught Italy in any case. And Germany must now also be careful before Italian conditions. In the meantime, Italy has announced that it will close all non-vital companies.

pm / mke / cia with material from dpa and AFP

* Merkur.de is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network

List of rubric lists: © dpa / Claudio Furlan

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