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Corona in Italy: situation always worse! Almost 1000 deaths in one day – new theory on the outbreak

In Italy, the corona virus has caused a devastating situation. The number of deaths and infected people is increasing. The developments in the news ticker.

  • The Coronavirus * pandemic has hit Italy particularly hard.
  • The number of official deaths from lung disease Covid-19 continues to rise.
  • The curfew has been in effect since March 9 Italy.
  • Here you will find the basic facts about the corona virus and the corona news from Germany. You can also find current case numbers in Germany as a map. The following recommendations for corona protective measures are currently available.

Update from March 28, 8:01 a.m .: The Corona crisis continues to paralyze Italy. In the meantime, patients have to be flown to Germany. Bitter: After the USA, Italy has now overtaken China in the number of confirmed corona infections. According to Johns Hopkins University, 86,468 diseases were reported to our European neighbors, including 9134 deaths. China has 81,946 infections and 3,299 fatalities.

Update from March 27, 11:10 p.m .: Pope Francis has in Rome Spoken the special blessing “Urbi et Orbi” in a one-time campaign – in front of the deserted St. Peter’s Square, which usually fits 100,000 believers.

“Deep darkness has settled on our squares, streets and cities. It has taken our lives and filled everything with a deafening silence and a desolate emptiness that paralyzes everything as it passes, ”said the pontiff on Friday evening.

Corona in Italy: The coronavirus-infected Juventus Turin star is doing better

Update from March 27th, 8.20pm: Football and that too Series A are in Italy because of the Corona virus paralyzed.

Football star Paulo Dybala, who tested positive for the corona virus, is on the mend after acute symptoms. “I can move, walk and do some training again,” said the 26-year-old in an interview with his club’s TV channel Juventus Turin: “A few days ago I felt a certain heaviness, now it is much better.”

At the beginning of the week, he “felt very tired after five minutes. My muscles ached, ”said the Argentine. His girlfriend Oriana Sabatini, who was also infected with the virus, is doing better.

Also in Piedmont, its capital Turin there are many now Corona cases.

Update from March 27, 6.30 p.m .: More Corona news: German researchers have achieved a real breakthrough in the fight against the corona virus * – this is how the reproductive enzyme is decoded.

In Munich, on the other hand, more than 200 restaurateurs are making a cry for help * to Bavaria’s Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) and Mayor Dieter Reiter (SPD) because of the corona crisis.

Corona crisis in Italy: more deaths than on any other day

Update from March 27, 6.10 p.m .: Sad climax of the Corona crisis in Italy – so far.

The Italians killed almost 1,000 people in just one day Corona pandemic reported – more than ever before. As it is officially stated, it has not been finally clarified whether the dead are with or to Covid-19 died.

80 percent of the dead were over 70 years old, said the president of the national health institute (ISS), Silvio Brusaferro. 50 percent of the deceased also had at least three or more previous illnesses.

Sad convoy: military trucks carrying coffins from the deceased drive on the highway near Bergamo, one of the worst affected areas by the coronavirus pandemic.

© picture alliance / dpa / Luca Bruno

The number of deaths due to Corona pandemic rose provisionally by 969 to 9134 so far, as of Friday evening, March 27. As the civil defense in Rome announced, the total number of infected people increased by almost 6,000 to 86,498. Only in the USA have more infected people been counted worldwide.

According to the top health institute, the curve of new infections is flattening somewhat – but it has not yet peaked.

Update from March 27, 4.30 p.m .: While epidemiologist Adriano Decarli expressed a new theory on the outbreak of the coronavirus in Italy, they are growing Doubts about the official numbers currently huge.

More and more politicians and government officials are speaking up in northern Italy. They think the official death and infection numbers are far too low.

Corona in Italy: doubts about the official case numbers are getting louder

For example, in Nembro at Bergamo, which has been severely affected by the Sars-CoV-2 coronavirus, so far only31 deaths reported. Mayor Claudio Cancelli and an official wrote this on Thursday in the Italian newspaper “Corriere della Sera”.

The men wrote that they were not convinced by anything in this number. “That’s why we and the statistics on average deaths in the community from previous years looked from January to March,” it continues.

Italian doctors fight day and night for people infected with the coronavirus.

© dpa / Claudio Furlan

“Under normal circumstances, the number of deaths should be around 35. But this year we recorded 158 (deaths), 123 more than the average.” As a result, the currently reported 31 deaths do not match reality.

Corona in Italy: Mayor of Brescia doubts the official figures

Similar inconsistencies should also exist in other places in the region. Also the Mayor of the City of Brescia, who was badly affected by the corona virus had questioned the numbers.

So are the infections and deaths much higher as officially stated. The reason for this is that many sick people are at home and you don’t even know how they’re doing, according to Mayor Emilio Del Bono.

Corona: Bad situation in Italy – was the reason nine years ago? New outbreak theory

First report from March 27: In Italy the situation remains due to the Corona virus further devastating. Although there has recently been talk of a slight decrease in new infections, the numbers are rising again.

In Italy, more than 80,000 people are infected with the disease. Of the John Hopkins University According to (as of March 27), 8,215 people are suffering from the effects of Corona virus died.

While the doubts about the case numbers in Italy rise, a new theory on the outbreak of the coronavirus * is now being released to the public.

Corona: Did the virus appear in Italy in the last quarter of 2019?

Like Adriano Decarli, epidemiologist of the University of Milan told the Reuters news agency that it should have a significantly higher number in the third quarter of 2019 Flu diseases and Pneumonia in the Lombardy have given.

Decarli did not give exact numbers, but indicated that there were hundreds more cases than usual. “We want to know whether the virus was already in Italy at the end of 2019 and – if so – why it remained undetected for a relatively long period of time,” said the epidemiologist.

If the theory is actually correct, all previous figures on infected people and deaths * would literally have to be thrown out of the box, as focus.de reports. The question of “patient zero” * remains unanswered. Meanwhile, a heartbreaking video from Italy’s restricted areas went around the world.

Corona in Italy: is the EU the cause of the devastating situation?

Meanwhile, hospitals and medical personnel are entering corona
* To your limit. The clinics are overcrowded. More and more people become infected with it virus. What role does the EU play in this?

The fact is: in 2011 Italy recorded one drastic wave of cuts – imposed by the European Central Bank (ECB) – which also that Healthcare system concerned. The ECB said in a letter that protection against rising interest rates on Italian government bonds would only be granted on condition of severe cuts. The result: the Italian government made the cuts and the number of hospitals in the country fell 15 percent, as also mentioned in a report by freitag.de. 15 percent that the Italian healthcare system currently lacks.

Coronavirus: Are Healthcare Spending Cuts Fatal?

Already in the crisis of the euro zone, which affects the Financial crash in 2007 and 2008 followed, said ECB and the EU Commission literally mountains to save banks and financial players. However, public spending on social issues was largely ignored, which affected health systems in particular.

Is Europe now doomed to spending cuts and efforts to curb the increase in health spending?

The situation is also getting worse in Spain: 600 deaths within 24 hours. Experts make a bad assumption. They fear the second wave in China.

* merkur.de is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network

List of rubric lists: © picture alliance / dpa / Claudio Furlan

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