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Corona in Hessen: Current case numbers of the RKI – few new infections in schools

  • fromMarvin Ziegele


The corona situation remains tense in many regions in Hesse – but that is not due to the start of school. The RKI publishes the current figures.

Update from Friday, 09/10/2021, 7:05 a.m .: The corona situation in Hesse remains tense. The number of corona infections in Hesse rose by 1296 cases on Friday to a total of 319,332. This is reflected in the data from the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) from Friday morning. The health authorities in Hesse also registered eight more deaths in connection with Covid 19 disease. The total number of deaths since the beginning of the pandemic has risen to 7,660 in Hesse.

The seven-day incidence rose again by leaps and bounds, especially in Offenbach am Main. While the incidence value here on Thursday (09.09.2021) was 182.6, it was again 236.1 on Friday – higher than anywhere else in Germany. Overall, however, the incidence in Hesse decreased slightly, from 110.5 to 109.8. The national average is currently 83.8.

The incidence in Frankfurt, which is in second place behind Offenbach in Hesse, increases minimally from 156.3 to 156.5. Behind is the city of Kassel with 150.7 (previous day: 157.7).

Corona in Hessen: Few new infections in schools after the summer holidays

According to current figures, however, the schools are not to blame for the dynamic situation in the pandemic. According to the Ministry of Culture in Hesse, there were even comparatively few corona infections at the beginning of the new school year. Around 1000 schoolchildren (0.13 percent) and around 60 teachers (0.10 percent) are currently in official quarantine, the dpa ministry said. Before the Christmas holidays at the end of last year, the number was significantly higher at 17,000 to 18,000 students (more than 2 percent).

After starting school in Hesse, there are comparatively few new infections at Hessian schools. The RKI reports the current number of cases.

© Ina Fassbender / afp

And there are no school closings either. At the beginning of the previous school year, seven schools were closed within the first two weeks.

Corona in Hessen: The current case numbers at a glance

City / district 7-day incidence (previous day)
Bergstrasse district 98,5 (101,1)
Darmstadt-Dieburg district 92,7 (94,7)
District of Fulda 142,1 (153,8)
Pouring circle 79,1 (78)
Groß-Gerau district 113,5 (125,5)
District of Hersfeld-Rotenburg 23,3 (29,1)
Hochtaunuskreis 71,2 (76,7)
District of Kassel 67,5 (68,4)
Lahn-Dill district 85,2 (92,4)
Limburg-Weilburg district 97,5 (89,6)
Main-Kinzig district 114,8 (118,6)
Main-Taunus-Kreis 98,2 (99,9)
Marburg-Biedenkopf district 56,1 (54,5)
Odenwaldkreis 117,8 (110,6)
Offenbach district 148,7 (142,5)
Rheingau-Taunus district 108,3 (113,6)
Schwalm-Eder district 60,1 (64,5)
Vogelsbergkreis 52,1 (45,5)
Waldeck-Frankenberg district 93,3 (97,7)
Werra-Meißner district 47 (45)
Wetteraukreis 118,6 (122,8)
City of Darmstadt 98 (106,2)
City of Frankfurt 156,5 (156,3)
City of Kassel 150,7 (157,7)
City of Offenbach 236,1 (182,6)
City of Wiesbaden 139,3 (130,6)
Average Hessen 109,8 (110,5)

Source: Robert Koch Institute | Status: 10.09.2021, 3.14 a.m. | Notes: Due to different reporting channels, the figures for the ministry and those of the cities and districts may differ slightly. As a rule, the lower the reporting level, the more up-to-date the numbers. New infections or deaths below 0 are due to reporting corrections.

Corona in Hessen: RKI is currently reporting a high incidence

First report from Thursday, 09.09.2021: Wiesbaden – The health authorities in Hessen* reported 1,382 new infections to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) within 24 hours. The figures were only released after a considerable delay. Four deaths related to the corona pandemic have been reported. The seven-day incidence is 110.5. The previous day the incidence was 113.6. A total of 318,036 people have been infected with the coronavirus since the beginning of the pandemic.

The city of Offenbach has the highest incidence value (239, previous day: 222.3). It is followed by the cities of Kassel with a seven-day incidence of 157.7 (previous day: 169.9) and Frankfurt (156.3, previous day: 161.8). The Hersfeld-Rotenburg district has the lowest incidence in all of Hesse (29.1, previous day: 16.6).

Corona in Hessen: Jens Spahn (CDU) warns of “pandemic of the unvaccinated”

Federal Health Minister Jens Spahn (CDU) warned on Wednesday (September 8th, 2021) of the increasing number of infections across Germany. “Take the chance, get vaccinated”, appealed Jens Spahn. He underlined that vaccination rates now need to be increased – to protect yourself and others. “Every single vaccination decides how safely we get through the autumn,” said Spahn. “What we are currently seeing is a pandemic for the unvaccinated.”

So far, 61.5 percent of the population in Germany has been fully vaccinated, 65.9 percent have at least one vaccination. In order to level off the fourth wave of the pandemic, a vaccination rate of 80 to 90 percent is considered necessary.

The Hessian corona regulation will soon have to be extended. Prime Minister Volker Bouffier has announced innovations for the next version. (marv) * fnp.de is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA.

Header list image: © Ina Fassbender / afp

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