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Corona in Hesse: Learning from mistakes

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There was no vaccine at the beginning of the pandemic. © Stefan Puchner/dpa

The AfD looks back in confusion, while the SPD pushes forward with its good idea.

For weeks, the AfD has avoided answering the question of whether to file a lawsuit. Now the forces that have won are those that have had no interest in learning from the mistakes of the pandemic from the start. Those who are only interested in causing trouble. They will come around the corner on Monday with the next threat of a lawsuit. And cause further confusion. Enough of the attention.

Give a voice

Let us look at those initiatives that have the potential to use the experience of Corona for the benefit of the people in the country. That have the power to narrow the gap between politics and the population instead of driving the division further. The format of citizen participation that the SPD is striving for is a very good idea. It includes those who are still suffering from bad decisions today. It gives them a voice so that their perspective is not forgotten in the next pandemic. That is guaranteed to come and will be different to Corona. A citizens’ forum will not be able to provide a blueprint for all epidemics. But it can provide insights that can be useful next time.

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