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Corona in Hersfeld-Rotenburg: Expired identity card valid for vaccination

The corona incidence in the Hersfeld-Rotenburg district has risen again. The incidence is now over 140. The vaccination center of the Hersfeld-Rotenburg district opens on February 9th. An expired identity card may also be brought to the vaccination appointment.

  • Corona im District of Hersfeld-Rotenburg: Vaccination center opens on February 9th
  • The Incidence in Hersfeld-Rotenburg is over 140
  • This News-Ticker to Corona-Situation in Hersfeld-Rotenburg is updated regularly. You can find everything you need to know about Corona in Hessen in our Hessen ticker

Update from February 4th, 2:15 p.m .: Since Wednesday, people over 80 have been able to book appointments for the corona vaccination again. District Administrator Dr. Michael Koch and Harald Preßmann point out in a press release that people over the age of 80 im District of Hersfeld-Rotenburg also with expired Identity card to the Vaccination appointment can come. The Identity card I am required to be in the Vaccination center of District in the Göbel Hotels Arena in Rotenburg to be shown.

Koch and Preßmann say: “The senior citizens do not need to worry that they are due to an expired ID card not be vaccinated. ”With regard to the fact that appointments at the registration offices and photographers due to the CoronaPandemic are currently not possible or only possible with long waiting times, expired ID cards are also accepted.

Information on Vaccination center of District of Hersfeld-Rotenburg and questions about the CoronaVaccination can be found on the Internet at www.impfen-hef-rof.de. Vaccination appointments can by phone at 116 117 or 0611 505 92 888 or on the Internet at impfterminservice.hessen.de to be agreed.

The CoronaIncidence im District of Hersfeld-Rotenburg is still high: The Incidence The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) reports that it is 143.3. Since the beginning of the pandemic, 3,059 people have been infected with the virus. There are also 93 deaths in the District of Hersfeld-Rotenburg.

Update from January 31, 12:49 p.m .: The CoronaVaccination center of District of Hersfeld-Rotenburg will go into operation on Tuesday, February 9th. Publish the district and the Hersfeld-Rotenburg Clinic a new website for Vaccination center: The Website is now online.

District Administrator Dr. Michael Koch says: “With the new website for Vaccination Center Hersfeld-Rotenburg we would like to provide the citizens with the most important questions about the vaccination center in one place. These include questions about the allocation of vaccination appointments or how to get there. ”Anyone who drives to the Göbel Hotels Arena in Rotenburg on the Fulda drive, you will find directions on the website. For those arriving by public transport, a route planner leads directly to the stop on CoronaVaccination center. Interested parties can also find general information on the vaccination, Vaccination sequence and to the mobile vaccination teams.

Who asked in advance how that Vaccination center is built up how much time for that Coronavaccination has to be planned and what everything has to be brought to the appointment, will also get the answers on the new website, he said District of Hersfeld-Rotenburg With. The website is continuously updated. Over the course of the next week, pictures and videos will be added so that interested parties can get an overview of the vaccination center and vaccination process in advance.

The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) reported 2972 ​​infected people since the beginning of the Corona-Pandemic – 23 more than the day before. Also in the District of Hersfeld-Rotenburg 93 people at or with Corona died. The 7-dayIncidence is, according to the RKI, at 98.6 and thus slightly higher than the Hesse wide Incidence (92,6).

Corona in Hersfeld-Rotenburg: Special thanks for employees of the health department

Update from January 21, 4:23 p.m .: Good news in Corona-Times: With a gift basket with “Ahler Wurscht” and other regional specialties, the tourism industry and marketers have come to terms with Health department of District of Hersfeld-Rotenburg thanks. The aim was to say thank you for the continuous deployment that has now been going on for almost a year as a result of the corona pandemic Nancy Konrad, Managing Director of the Tourism Service Erlebnisregion Mittleres Fulda Valley, Frank Naumann, Managing Director of “Gutes aus Waldhessen”, and Holger Reichenauer, Chairman of the Waldhessen Hotel and Gastronomy Association, at the handover. One now hopes for “light at the end of the tunnel” in spring.

The 7-day incidence value im District of Hersfeld-Rotenburg is currently 176.4. Overall, that shows Robert Koch Institute for the circle 2766 Corona infections and 88 deaths out.

Corona in Kris Hersfeld-Rotenburg: Night curfew lifted

Update from January 18, 3:01 p.m .: Given the declining Corona-The incidence value in the past five days is set District of Hersfeld-Rotenburg the current general decree expires. That shared the district on Monday with. The night curfew between 9 p.m. and 5 a.m. has been lifted. The district reacts according to the escalation concept of the State of Hesse on the present Corona-Infection numbers and an incidence value of less than 200 for five consecutive days.

The authority asks the population nevertheless urgently to adhere to the applicable Corona– to adhere to the country’s regulations. Meetings in public space are only allowed to take place with one household and one other person. In the private sphere, the urgent recommendation is to only meet with your own household and a maximum of one other person.

The Hessian Ministry of Social Affairs reported on Monday for the District of Hersfeld-Rotenburg 22 Corona-New infections and two other deaths.

Update from January 11th, 5:25 p.m .: The District of Hersfeld-Rotenburg reacts with a new general decree to the persistently high number of corona infections at district level. The seven-day incidence is currently 230.8. From Come into effect the general decree on Tuesday, January 12th, at 9 p.m. District area again a night Curfew between 9 p.m. and 5 a.m.

In addition, the consumption of alcohol in public room as well as the delivery of alcohol for immediate consumption: both are included Come into effect prohibited all day long.

The general decree does not restrict the range of motion to 15 kilometers for day-trip excursions. District Administrator Koch explains: “Im District of Hersfeld-Rotenburg we have with that Eisenberg currently only a more frequented destination that by Day guests could become a hotspot. At the moment there weren’t any problems here. ”The situation on Eisenberg however, will continue to be observed. “If a problem arises here, we could work with the two locally responsible Mayors other effective measures such as blocking the Access roads seize. The ruling is initially valid until January 31, 2021, an extension is reserved.

Corona in the Hersfeld-Rotenburg district: curfew from Tuesday

+++ 4.43 p.m .: In view of the falling incidence value in recent days, the District of Hersfeld-Rotenburg the current general order expires with immediate effect. He shares that district in a press release with. The nocturnal Curfew in the time between 9 p.m. and 5 a.m. is canceled.

Video: Protect yourself and others from Corona: This is how the FFP2 mask fits correctly

This is how he reacts district on the number of infections and an incidence value of less than 200. The authority However, please note: “The danger posed by the corona pandemic has not been averted by the falling numbers!” The situation in the Clinics of District is still tense, according to the announcement. It is therefore urgently requested that the regulations of the Country to be observed. This is done by the police and Regulatory authorities continue to be controlled.

Corona in the Hersfeld-Rotenburg district: The first vaccinations were carried out

First report from January 4th, 2:02 p.m .:

Hersfeld-Rotenburg – “Today is a good day for him District of Hersfeld-Rotenburg. After that Kreisaltenheim in Niederaula was badly affected by the pandemic in April 2020, the first vaccinations could be carried out here today. We are confident that by the end of the month the majority of all Residents and Residents such as Employees in Old people– and Care facilities will be protected from the coronavirus, “says District Administrator Michael Koch in a press release from District of Hersfeld-Rotenburg.

The vaccinations against the corona virus have been running in the Hersfeld-Rotenburg district for a good week.

© District of Hersfeld-Rotenburg

Overall, im district so far over 1000 People against that Coronavirus been vaccinated. The mobile Impfteams started taking the first vaccine doses in Retirement and care facilities to be administered, especially to those particularly at risk Residents and Residents as well as medical Skilled workers and Caregivers. The Impfteams from now on stand by until that State of Hesse provides further vaccination doses. These are expected to be at the end of the week District of Hersfeld-Rotenburg arrive. (Read here: Hersfeld-Rotenburg sets up corona vaccination center in Göbel-Hotels-Arena: This is how the district is planning).

District of Hersfeld-Rotenburg: 1000 people vaccinated against Corona

The Nursing Manager of Kreisaltenheims in Niederaula, Franka Meinecke, is satisfied with the course of the vaccination campaign on site: “We are all glad that it finally started. Lots Residents and Residents were positive about the vaccination. It means that a little bit more everyday life is possible again. The vaccination for the Employees is also very important to avoid contamination. ”

The vaccinations against the corona virus have been running in the Hersfeld-Rotenburg district for a good week.

© District of Hersfeld-Rotenburg

District Administrator Koch further: “I thank everyone Involved for the professional preparation and the smooth running of the first vaccination campaign in our district and the high willingness to vaccinate those who are already eligible for vaccination. We all hope that vaccinations can be expanded soon. My thanks also go to all those who have established themselves Doctorswho give the vaccinations and do their part with great dedication struggle contribute against the virus. ”With united forces for the benefit of all Residents and Residents of District I am currently working flat out to restore a normal state as quickly as possible. “That’s what we all long for. Hope lies in vaccine“Said Koch On Sunday.

The collaboration between the homes and the Vaccination center, through which the coordination of the vaccination campaign runs Koch as “flawless”. Significant complications from the vaccinations have not occurred so far. (hoß)

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