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Corona in Fulda: District remains hotspot in Hesse – now 135 deaths

The corona situation in the Fulda district remains tense. The Robert Koch Institute reported 86 new infections on Sunday. Fulda remains the worst affected district in Hesse. As the district announced, the number of deceased rose to 135.

  • Corona in Fulda: The District of Fulda remains currently the strongest of Corona affected circle in Hessen.
  • The district Fulda reported that the number of Deceased has risen to 135. The RKI reported for Fulda on Monday 56 New infections.
  • This NewsTicker to CoronaSituation in Fulda is updated regularly.

Update from January 18, 8.26 a.m .: The 7-day incidence in the District of Fulda continues to decline slightly. This will be reported on Monday (midnight) Robert Koch Institute (RKI) in Berlin a value of 271.6. This means that the district remains the strongest of Corona affected district in Hessen. The RKI also registered 56 Corona-New infections. The number of deaths related to Corona is 135.

At the weekend, Vice District Administrator and Head of Health, Frederik Schmitt, explained in a video from the Fulda district how the high number of Corona cases came about.

+++ 16.23 p.m .: The number of people who died in District of Fuldapositive to that Coronavirus has been tested is from 131 to 135 gone up. That shared the district Fulda on Sunday afternoon with. “Two people were 86 and 98 years old and previously lived in one Care facility in Hünfeld or in Flieden“, It says in the message. “In one hospital Two people died aged 70 and 82. “

Corona in Fulda: District remains hotspot in Hesse – incidence drops below 300 – now 135 deaths

Update from January 17th, 12:27 p.m .: According to the Robert Koch Institute from Sunday (midnight) fell 7 day incidence im District of Fulda slightly, to currently 275.2 Corona– Cases in the past seven days per 100,000 population. Fulda but still has the highest Incidence in Hessen on.

This is currently followed by the Offenbach district (189.4), the city Offenbach (188,8) and the Limburg-Weilburg district 168.1. In the past seven days, 614 new corona cases were added in the Fulda district. This increased the total number of Coronacases by 86 to 6244 in the district with 223,145 inhabitants.

So far im died District of Fulda 134 people with or on one infection with the Coronavirus. For comparison: In the Vogelsberg district (166.6) the incidence values ​​continued to decrease slightly. In the Main-Kinzig-Kreis (153.4) it continued to rise slightly. The current incidence value for Hessen is 129.8. For Hessen were almost 1,300 on Sunday New infections reported.

Update from January 16, 2:27 p.m .: According to the Robert Koch Institute from Saturday (midnight) fell 7 day incidence im District of Fulda slightly, to currently 307.0 Corona– Cases in the past seven days per 100,000 population. Fulda thus still has the highest Incidence in Hessen on. The circle currently in 21st place.

Corona in Fulda: According to the RKI, the district remains hardest hit in Hesse

In the past seven days, 685 new corona cases were added in the Fulda district. This increased the total number of Coronacases to 6158 in the district with 223,145 inhabitants. So far im died District of Fulda 134 people with or on one infection with the Coronavirus. In the Vogelsberg district (167.5) and in the Main-Kinzig district (145.3) the incidence values ​​continued to decrease. The current incidence value for Hessen is 128.9.

Video: Number of corona deaths in Germany at a new high

Update from January 15, 9:53 a.m .: The Robert Koch Institute reports for the District of Fulda on Friday 131 New infections with the Coronavirus. Since the beginning of the pandemic that’s 6045 Infections. The Seven-day incidence increases slightly to 313.7. Fulda thus still has the highest incidence in Hessen on. The circle still in 23rd place.

Corona in Fulda: RKI reports 131 new infections – incidence is increasing slightly – district in 1st place in Hesse

+++ 6:32 p.m .: The number of people who died in District of Fuldapositive to that Coronavirus tested increased from 128 to 131. That shared the District of Fulda on Thursday evening with. A 76-year-old who lived in a facility for senior citizens in Fulda and two other people in a hospital died.

These were 76 and 84 years old, the district announced. Whether the people at or with Corona died, said the district not with. Meanwhile, that is Vaccination center in Fulda ready to go. The district of Fulda gives insights into the Corona vaccination center in a virtual tour.

Update from January 14th, 9.45 a.m .: The Robert Koch Institute reports for the District of Fulda on Thursday 121 New infections with the Coronavirus. Since the beginning of the pandemic that’s 5914 Infections. The Seven-day incidence drops slightly to 308.3. Fulda thus still has the highest incidence in Hessen on. The circle in 23rd place.

Corona in Fulda: RKI reports 121 new infections – the district most affected in Hesse

+++ 17.07 p.m .: The number of people who died in District of Fuldapositive to that Coronavirus tested has increased from 110 to 128, said the district known on Wednesday evening. These include four late registrations from people (77, 79, 83 and 93 years old) who were in one at the beginning of the year hospital died. Three people (82, 88 and 96 years) are in one Facility in Hünfeld deceased, four others (89, 89, 99 and 104 years) in one Facility in Flieden as well as a 78 year old person rolled into one hospitalreports the district Furthermore.

Of a further six cases, four late registrations of deceased (80, 82, 89 and 89 years old), which in one Care facility in Grossenlüder lived. These Facility has now been released from quarantine, said the District of Fulda With. Two other deaths are from one person (87) Facility in Flieden and an 85 year old from a Facility in Hünfeld. Whether the people at or with Corona died is not known.

Furthermore reported the District of Fulda Corona– Main areas of infection in Care facilities in Bad Salzschlirf, Flieden and Hünfeld.

Corona in Fulda: RKI reports 106 new infections and eleven more deaths

First report from January 13th, 11.55 a.m .: The Robert Koch Institute reports for the District of Fulda on wednesday 106 New infections with the Coronavirus. So there has been since the beginning of the pandemic 5793 infections in Fulda. Eleven more People died in connection with Covid-19. That is 121 deaths since the beginning of the pandemic.

Video: Number of corona deaths in Germany at a new high

The RKI reports for the District of Fulda currently a seven-day incidence of 327.6. Thus the district of Fulda is still the strongest of Corona affected district in Hessen. Nationwide, it is in 24th place. (Stay up to date with the Corona news ticker for Hessen.)

The strong one rise District Administrator Bernd Woide (CDU) and Health Secretary Frederik Schmitt (CDU) had the corona incidence, especially with private ones To meet about the public holidays and new year. Some of the infections come from hotspots in Care facilities.

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