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Corona in Denmark – 11-year-old received corona

An 11-year-old boy from Denmark has died after contracting covid-19. It writes Health policy journal, a Danish medical journal.

They refer to information from the Danish Statens Serum Institut (SSI), which corresponds to the Norwegian Institute of Public Health.

According to information such as the Danish regional newspaper Nordjyske has gained access to, it must be an 11-year-old boy.

Died after two days

The death was registered on Wednesday 20 October. The boy is said to have died just two days after testing positive for the coronavirus.

– It is the first time during the corona pandemic that a child in this age group has died after infection with coronavirus, and it is the third time that a child dies with coronavirus in Denmark, the magazine states.

LONGCOVID: Hilde Demroen (45) and her son Edwin (6) were diagnosed with the coronavirus at the end of March this year. Both are still marked. REPORTER: Sondre Andreas Wedøe Nodland / Dagbladet. VIDEO: Kristin Svorte.
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Two children in the age group 0-9 years have previously died with covid-19, but both of these had other serious diseases.

Among these was a multi-handicapped five-year-old that Jyllands-Posten mentioned this summer. He lived in a residential institution in Aarhus.

– But he had no lung problems, and he received no medicine. Nevertheless, the disease destroyed his lungs, which could no longer fight the infection, his father told Jyllands-Posten in July.

Four young people died

Since March 2020, there have been 2703 corona deaths in Denmark, Danish writes Extra Bladet. Nine out of ten have had underlying diseases.

88 percent of the dead have been over 70 years, while nine percent have been between 50-69 years.

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During the epidemic, a total of four people in their 20s died of corona in Denmark.

Among these were two young men who died this summer without having other underlying diseases, Sundhetspolitisk Tidsskrift informs.

In the week that went from 19 to 26 October, there have been 12 other corona-related deaths in Denmark, figures from the Statens Serum Institut show:

  • A man in his 30s, with underlying disease
  • Two women and two men in their 70s, all had underlying illness
  • Four women and two men in their 80s, five of six had underlying disease
  • A man in his 90s, also with an underlying illness

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