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Corona in children: What parents need to know

Children and young people usually cope well with a corona infection. Nevertheless, Covid-19 is not entirely harmless for the little ones.

This guide brings parents up to date.

How does Corona manifest itself in children?

Corona disease is usually very mild in children.

The most important difference compared to adults: “Even in the risk groups, the disease usually progresses without complications,” says Tanja Brunnert, a pediatrician from Göttingen. Children do not tend to have a severe course of the disease.

If a child becomes infected, they often show cold symptoms: “The corona infection manifests itself with the typical symptoms of a respiratory infection, if it is symptomatic at all,” says Brunnert. This means that the infection often goes unnoticed.

However, the disease should not be trivialized. Similar to the flu, there are a number of infected children and young people who are struggling with high fever and fatigue.

The most common course of the disease in children and adolescents is self-limiting, says Brunnert. This means that the child can usually get the infection under control on their own. “Specific therapy is almost never necessary.”

Tanja Brunnert is also deputy federal press spokesperson for the Professional Association of Paediatricians and Adolescent Doctors in Cologne.

Which children are particularly vulnerable to Corona?

“Regarding the Alter We are focusing our attention in particular on sick infants and newborns of infected mothers,” reports Brunnert. “Due to their age, they are always in our special focus when they have feverish illnesses.”

Certain Pre-existing conditions increase the risk of a serious course of the disease. Neurological and neuromuscular diseases in particular pose a risk for a potentially complicated course of the disease, according to the expert.

Also Obesity (Obesity) is considered a risk factor for Corona.

What consequences can Corona have on children?

Even though most infections are mild or without symptoms, Corona is not completely harmless for children.

In the worst case, an infection leads to Long Covid.

However, observations suggest that children are not as at risk as adults: “In the outpatient sector, we can say from the feedback from pediatricians that long Covid continues to play a minor role,” says Brunnert. This is also shown by the more recent studies.

And: Long Covid lasts for a shorter time in children than in adults, says Brunnert. In addition, the disease usually heals completely. Children therefore do not become chronically ill.

How is Corona treated in children?

As a rule, it is sufficient for the child to rest at home. “Children and young people with feverish infections should generally stay at home and recover,” advises Brunnert.

“No specific therapy is required in the outpatient setting,” says the doctor. “The fever can be reduced with paracetamol or ibuprofen.” The use of these medications does not have any negative effects on the course of the disease.

“If I have the impression in the evening that my child was able to cope well with a day at kindergarten or school today, then he or she can go again tomorrow,” says Brunnert. “Just like with other illnesses.”

When do I need to take my child to the doctor?

Brunnert recommends visiting a doctor if the child is still an infant and develops a fever.

In other age groups, for example, the following Symptoms A visit to the doctor is recommended:

How do I test my child for Corona without it being uncomfortable?

According to Brunnert, deep throat swabs are not necessary. A nasal swab is sufficient. For children, there is also the option of Lollipop or spit tests to investigate.

“We no longer test regularly for corona in most practices,” reports Brunnert. “It has joined the ranks of respiratory pathogens. A child with a positive corona test does not receive any different treatment than a child without one.”

What can I do if my child has Corona?

Prof. Renate Schepker is the chief physician of child and adolescent psychiatry at the ZfP Weissenau in Ravensburg. She advises parents to take the same measures as for any other illness:

“For most children, Corona is over more quickly than for adults,” says Schepker, who is also a board member of the German Society for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Psychosomatics and Psychotherapy (DGKJP).

Parents must assume that they themselves will become infected. “Immunocompromised parents should of course be vaccinated themselves in order to protect themselves as best as possible,” says the doctor.

Should I have my child vaccinated against Corona?

For healthy children and adolescents under 18 years of age, the Standing Committee on Vaccination (Stiko) recommends no Covid-19 vaccinationneither primary immunization nor booster vaccination.

The reason: The vaccination is primarily intended to prevent severe disease progression and hospital admissions. In children and adolescents, however, the infection is mostly mild or asymptomatic.

However, the experts emphasize that there are still no particular safety concernsn in the vaccination of children and adolescents. This means that parents can have their children vaccinated if they have not already done so.

The vaccination is recommended for children and adolescents from the age of six months who have increased risk These include:

The Stiko recommends that these people receive an annual booster vaccination in the autumn.

With one exception: Children and adolescents who belong to the risk group can forgo the booster vaccination if they are immune-healthy and have already been infected with Sars-Cov-2 during the year.

The decision about further vaccinations should be made with the doctor, taking into account the individual risk, says the Stiko.

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