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Corona in Belgium | More than 10,000 infections

A guide through the daily Covid-19 stats.

Vandenbroucke for mouth mask obligation from 9 years old

Minister of Health Frank Vandenbroucke wants the mouth mask to be used again in general, from the age of nine. He said that Friday in Terzake on Canvas. ‘The vaccines are not strong enough against the transmission of the infection. They work very well against serious illness, but the virus also passes among vaccinated people. And therein lies our problem.’ The mouth mask must again become the rule, inside and even outside where insufficient distance can be kept. At an event inside, both the Covid Safe Ticket and the mouth mask should be mandatory. In addition, telework should also be made compulsory again, the minister believes.

The Flemish Minister of Youth, Benjamin Dalle (CD&V), and his colleague from Education Ben Weyts (N-VA) think a generalized mouth mask obligation from the age of 9 goes too far. “That is disproportionate,” Dalle said on Radio 1 on Saturday.

In the past week, an average of 10,081 infections were detected daily. The number of infections rose by 39 percent compared to the previous week.

As a result, the positivity ratio rises to 12.7 percent, more than twice the alarm threshold of 5 percent set by the World Health Organization. The higher the positivity ratio, the wider the virus circulates undetected in society. Due to the vaccinations, however, that high positivity ratio leads to fewer deaths than earlier this year.

Over the past seven days, an average of 207 people have been hospitalized with Covid-19 each day, an increase of 21 percent. According to the most recent figures, 2,391 people (+29%) are in hospital with Covid-19, the highest number since May. Of these, 487 are in intensive care (+27%). That last, important figure, after a rapid decline in the spring – nearly 1,000 Covid-19 patients required intensive care in April – remained fairly stable at just below 100 throughout July, but has been rising again since August – and especially from October. rising.

Thanks to the high vaccination coverage, the number of deaths remains relatively low compared to the figures at the beginning of this year. On average, 23 people per day now die from Covid-19. A total of 26,321 people in our country have died from the consequences of the corona virus.

Syringe towards freedom

At the moment 8.75 million Belgians have a first vaccine shot got. 76 percent of the total population is now fully vaccinated. Achieving more than 70 percent was one of the conditions for the fourth phase of the government’s summer plan to take effect on September 1. Due to the highly contagious delta variant, that bar was subsequently raised.

Where and with whom does the virus circulate?

The number of new infections is currently highest in the province of Antwerp. In the past seven days, 11,989 new infections were detected.

If we look at the age distribution, we see a sharp increase in the number of infections among under-18s, who are now tested much more often. The infections in people over 80 are decreasing, which may have to do with the vaccinations in that group.

Press care

The number of new hospital admissions increased most strongly in West Flanders in the past 7 days. During that period, an average of about 19 new corona patients were admitted per day, or two per 100,000 inhabitants.

However, the regional figures hide major differences between the provinces. The pressure on healthcare is currently greatest in Walloon Brabant, Liège and West Flanders. More than a quarter of the available covid beds in intensive care have been taken there.


During the past seven days, an average of 20 people died from the disease every day. That brings the death toll since the start of the pandemic at more than 26,321 Across the board, we find that Covid-19 is more deadly for old people. More than half of those who died since March last year are 85 or older.

Not all deaths end up in the corona statistics. Excess mortality is a more correct indicator to know the real impact of the coronavirus in Belgium and to be able to compare it with that in other countries. That is the number of extra deaths compared to the average of previous years.

During the first week of April 2020, at the height of the first wave, more than twice as many people died as in previous years. The heaviest toll is on the over-85s, the age group where more people have died since the spring than in other years. In the group up to 24 years of age, fewer people died almost consistently in 2020 than expected, partly because there are fewer traffic accidents.

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