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Corona in Belgium: infections rise 84%, but hospital admissions remain stable

Had on Tuesday 7,641,647 people in Belgium have received at least one vaccination dose receive. These are 81.6 percent of adults. Extrapolated to the total population, including minors, 66.3 percent of the Belgian population has been vaccinated at least once. 5,074,057 people are fully vaccinated.

From July 8th to 14th were an average of 17 patients per day admitted to hospital (-4 percent than in the previous week).

On Wednesday, the hospitals reported 22 admissions (+7 compared to Tuesday). 22 patients were allowed to leave the hospital.

The Hospitals have on Wednesday total 241 corona patients reported (+2). On a weekly basis, the occupancy of beds with corona patients has decreased by almost 1 percent.

82 corona patients are currently in the intensive care unit (-8), 57 of them need artificial ventilation become. On a weekly basis, the number of admissions to intensive care units has decreased by a further 17%.

The week of July 5th to 11th are an average of two people per day died in connection with the corona virus. The number of deaths is down compared to the previous week 41 percent down. Since the beginning of the pandemic have been in Belgium 25,207 deaths registered in connection with the corona virus. No deaths were recorded on July 14th and 13th.

Were between July 5th and 11th an average of 1,066 new infections per day confirmed that are 84 percent more than in the previous week. The number of infections rose for the second day in a row with over 1,000 cases. Since the beginning of the pandemic are in Belgium 1,100,616 infections has been registered.

Between July 5th and 11th are an average of 61,000 corona tests per day Have been carried out. These are 6 percent less than in the previous week.

The Positivitätsrate between July 5th and July 11th (the number of positive tests relative to all corona tests) 1.9 percent (0.8 percentage points more than in the previous week). That means almost 2 out of 100 tests were positive.

The R value, or the speed at which the virus spreads, is currently included 1. This means that every person who is infected with the coronavirus infects another person on average. When the R-value drops below 1, the epidemic recedes. If the R-value rises above 1, the epidemic grows.

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