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Corona in Baden-Württemberg: New rules come into force – but some things are still prohibited

Corona crisis: The first easing of the coronavirus pandemic in Baden-Württemberg. The state government of Winfried Kretschmann also faces criticism. The news ticker.

Update from April 20, 9.45 a.m .: In Baden-Württemberg this Monday cautious easing of restrictions. This includes a gradual one Retail opening (Shops with a sales area of ​​up to 800 square meters and all car dealers, bike dealers and bookstores) as well as libraries and archives. At universities, universities of teacher education, colleges of art and music, universities of applied sciences, the Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University (DHBW) and the state’s academies can again for the time being studied in digital form become.

There is also a Entry ban for visiting purposes for inpatient and semi-inpatient facilities for homeless people.

Update from April 19, 7 p.m .: Measured by the temperatures, it is early summer in southern Germany. Many people are drawn outside – also in the Coronavirus pandemic.

Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann (Greens) has now repeated to citizens in Baden-Wuerttemberg appeals to prudence.

“Some are demanding a faster and more extensive opening. I understand the desire for more normality. But if we open too quickly and too much at once, there is a second, even bigger wave of infection, “said the Baden-Wuerttemberg father:” Economic and social life will develop best when we are healthy. “

Corona in Baden-Württemberg: Figures illustrate serious corona virus braking at Stuttgart Airport

Update, 3:50 p.m .: Of the Stuttgart car maker Daimler runs after weeks Corona standstill from Monday, step by step, its production up again. That reports the Swabian.

Accordingly, according to strict Hygiene requirements worked as the group announced. In some cases, a three-shift operation should even be started again, it said. Daimler had tens of thousands of employees across Germany since April 6 Short-time work sent like that Swabian reported further, this applies until the end of April.

Update from April 18, 10.30 a.m .: Accelerated braking of flight operations at Manfred Rommel Airport Stuttgart by the Corona virus.

Compared to the first quarter of 2019, the number of passengers declined by 21.1 percent, which corresponds to almost half a million travelers. That reports the Stuttgart newspaper.

Nothing works anymore: Parking machines from Lufthansa and Eurowings at Stuttgart Airport.

© dpa / Marijan Murat

Accordingly, the number of passengers fell due to the Corona crisis in the first quarter of 2020 from 2.246 million to 1.771 million travelers. In January and February, passenger numbers even increased compared to the previous year, reports the Stuttgart newspaper further, but then the pandemic came.

With the exception of a few helicopter flights, flight operations have been on since April 6th Stuttgart Airport completely stalled on the A8 towards Munich.

Corona in Baden-Württemberg: Health Minister Lucha is considering making a mask

Update, 10:20 p.m .: As the Swabian reports, the Baden-Württemberg Minister of Health appealed to SWR-Radio to all citizens in the Corona crisis voluntarily one Face mask to wear.

“I am a big supporter of these mouth and nose protection masks when you are in public transport or when you go to the shop and sometimes cannot keep the minimum distance of one and a half meters in the proximity,” said the Green politician Mann Lucha therefore.

Aid in the corona crisis: the respirator. (Icon image)

© picture alliance / dpa / Christoph Schmidt

The minister also did not rule out that the state government was not after all Mask requirement decides in the southwest. In May, the cabinet would discuss this again if necessary.

Corona in Baden-Württemberg: More than 900 corona deaths in the state

Update, 10 p.m .: The statistics update for Baden-Wuerttemberg in the Coronavirus pandemic.

As the Ministry of Social Affairs and Integration announced early Friday evening, 698 more were added within 24 hours Corona infections approved.

The number of Covid-19 sick people in the state rose to 27,328 reported cases.

As of Friday evening, April 17th, are in Baden-Wuerttemberg so far 922 people with Corona infection died. The Ministry estimated the number of those recovered to be 14,464.

Update, 9.45 p.m .:

Economic impact of the

Corona crisis

also at HeidelbergCement.

The building materials group and concrete giant sends some of its employees to the parent company in Germany in short-time work at the beginning of May. Of these, 800 were initially employed at the headquarters in Heidelberg affected, as the company announced this Friday.

Corona in Baden-Württemberg: breathing masks allowed at the wheel

Update from April 17, 9 p.m .: Questions over questions in the Corona crisis in Germany. For example, one is: May I have that Respirator wear when driving in traffic?

The police in Baden-Wuerttemberg at least sees no problem in that. The police had been advised that wearing masks at the wheel during the validity of the Corona regulation fundamentally does not violate the traffic regulations, a spokesman for the Stuttgart Interior Ministry said on Friday.

Burladingen: Face masks are manufactured by the Swabian clothing manufacturer Trigema.

© picture alliance / dpa / Trigema

The spokesman also warned that drivers with face masks should not believe that they should not be prosecuted should they be flashed.

Drivers could still be identified on high-resolution speed camera photos, he explained.

Corona crisis in Baden-Württemberg: First date for high school exams

First report from April 17th: From the May 4th in Baden-Württemberg school operations will be gradually resumed. First of all, those pupils should return to the schools that take final exams in the current or next year have to. This includes up to 250,000 learners.

The Ministry of Culture wants to ensure adequate preparation through the regulation. The Abitur should according to the current status on May 18 start.

As a result, pupils of other ages will gradually be reintegrated into the new school routine, explains the State Minister for Culture Susanne Eisenmann (CDU).

Coronavirus: School operations in Baden-Württemberg are scheduled to resume on May 4th.

© dpa / Sebastian Gollnow

A precise timetable for this has not yet been presented to the public. The decisions criticized by the state government are criticized by the opposition.

Coronavirus in Baden-Württemberg: SPD parliamentary group and state leader Andreas Stoch against late school opening

“The answers of the green-black state government in terms of education and gradual entry into school are completely unsatisfactory“SPD parliamentary group and country chief Andreas Stoch told the German press agency on Friday. “So the decision is incomprehensible that the final classes only start classroom attendance again on May 4th.”

Stoch added: “Every day counts for the pupils in the final grades.” However, the state government only implements the requirements from Berlin. Angela Merkel had stressed on Wednesday that the schools open nationwide on May 4.

In several federal states, school operations started a week earlier on April 27, but with one exception (North Rhine-Westphalia), the number of infected people is significantly lower. Drives in particular in NRW Prime Minister Armin Laschet the timely school opening ahead. The CDU politician announced that the schools would gradually resume operations on Monday, April 20.

Coronavirus in Baden-Württemberg: Latest case numbers

The number of infected people in Germany is still growing. The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) in Berlin, the number of people infected with the coronavirus in Germany on Friday was 133,830 – an increase of 3,380 since the previous day.

The largest increase in infected people was registered in Bavaria. A total of 885 people are newly ill there. But the corona virus is also spreading in Baden-Württemberg. The Robert Koch Institute reports accordingly 662 newly infected. So far, according to the institution, overall 872 people died of the consequences of the corona virus in the Federal Republic. The number of recovered nationwide is approximately 81,800.

In the United States, Ivanka Trump ignores travel restrictions. The anger on them grows.

* Merkur.de is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.

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