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Corona Handling Does Not Fit Jokowi’s Expectations

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

Chief of Staff of the President Moeldoko expressing the President’s expression of anger Joko Widodo in a cabinet meeting some time ago triggered handling corona virus (Covid-19) in a hopeless field.

Jokowi is known to have been angry at the minister and his staff when chairing a cabinet meeting last June 18. Jokowi’s anger video was uploaded on Sunday (6/26) yesterday.

“Handling is not quite ordinary, the leaders of institutions must take effective, efficient, well-targeted steps. The President has said this several times and there are still some in the field that do not meet his expectations, so the emphasis is harder now than before,” said Moeldoko in Jakarta Presidential Palace, Monday (29/6).

Moeldoko explained that Jokowi wanted the ministers to have a shared spirit in overcoming Covid-19. The reason is, there are still ministers who consider the current situation normal.

For this reason, he said, Jokowi had several times issued a warning that ministers could handle the Covid-19 pandemic which had become a crisis in an extraordinary way.

“This is a warning given several times by the president. The warning is that this is a crisis situation that needs to be dealt with extraordinary,” he said.

Moeldoko said, Jokowi wanted that health and socio-economic problems for those affected by Covid-19 could be resolved properly. Despite the fact that the health sector is still an issue highlighted by Jokowi.

“That has already been alluded to about health. A significant amount of funds has only been absorbed by 1.53 percent. Indeed, we have explored there are a number of issues that need to be communicated even faster,” said Moeldoko.

A number of these problems include the inclusion of data collection for medical personnel to regulations that are too long. Because, if the problem is not resolved immediately, it will hamper the performance of the minister himself.

“Things like this for sure, surely, will be an obstacle to the minister working. But once again the problem is how new ways to get around that need to be done,” he said.


[Gambas:Video CNN]

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