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Corona: Governor of Georgia sued for mask requirement in Atlanta

The governor of the southern US state of Georgia, Brian Kemp, has sued against a mask requirement prescribed by the city of Atlanta.

Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms – as a running mate candidate for Trump’s designated opponent Joe Biden – has exceeded her competencies with the corresponding regulation to contain the coronavirus, the governor argued in a lawsuit filed on Thursday (local time). Republican Kemp signed a decree on Wednesday, despite the spreading corona pandemic, that forbids municipalities and districts to introduce a mask requirement.

“Measures that threaten the lives of our citizens”

Democratic Mayor Bottoms said on Twitter, instead of arguing in court, it would be better to use the taxpayers’ money to allow more corona testing and contact tracking. Kemp, in turn, said his lawsuit was against “disastrous measures that threaten the lives and livelihoods of our citizens.” At the same time, Kemp recommends wearing masks if the necessary safety distance to avoid infections cannot be maintained.

Republican governor of the US state of Georgia, Brian Kemp, has sued the Atlanta mask requirement.

The state has more than 130,000 proven corona infections and around 3100 deaths so far. On Thursday, the authorities reported a good 3,400 new infections there.

Atlanta Mayor herself in quarantine

Mayor Bottoms is currently in quarantine because she and several family members have been diagnosed with coronavirus infection. She had said last week that she had to wait eight days for her test result. She criticized the fact that the long time between tests and results made it more difficult to contain the pandemic because people did not know for days after their tests whether they were contagious.

Facial masks that cover mouth and nose are, according to experts, an important means of containing the pandemic.

US epidemic: Fauci on Corona dealings in the White House: <video id="video_videoPlayer48106" poster="https://image.stern.de/9340646/16x9-940-529/9f8d154658da215321de223b6636aabd/gX/16-fauci-ueber-umgang-mit-pandemie---lassen-wir-diesen-unsinn--6172086539001-1.jpg" data-x-account="1203065853" data-x-player="Byqs6Rblz" data-x-video-id="ref:f2a9d184-a82e-48be-9ea7-298cc4af6aaa" data-x-embed="default" data-element-id="video_videoPlayer48106" data-x-setup="{"controls":true,"plugins":{"pip":{"url":"https://players.brightcove.net/videojs-pip/1/videojs-pip.js","params":{"closeable":true,"viewable":"0.66","height":255,"width":400,"posX":"right","posY":"bottom","manualContainerSize":true}},"chartbeat":{"url":"https://static.chartbeat.com/js/chartbeat_video.js","params":{"uid":"30537","domain":"stern.de"}}},"ima3":{"debug":false,"requestMode":"onplay","numRedirects":10,"timeout":8000,"hardTimeouts":true},"currentArticle":[{"id":9340644,"url":"https://www.stern.de/politik/ausland/usa--fauci-ueber-bizarren-corona-umgang-im-weissen-haus---lassen-wir-diesen-unsinn--9340644.html","kicker":"US-Seuchenexperte","title":"Fauci über Corona-Umgang im Weißen Haus: "Lassen wir diesen Unsinn"","staticTitle":"9340644:Video-Fauci über Umgang mit Pandemie: "Lassen wir diesen Unsinn"","seoTitle":"USA: Fauci über bizarren Corona-Umgang im Weißen Haus: "Lassen wir diesen Unsinn"","teaserText":" Die Spannung zwischen US-Seuchenexperte Anthony Fauci und Donald Trump nahmen zuletzt zu. Auch aus dem Umfeld des US-Präsidenten kamen Angriffe auf den Mediziner.","imageUrl":"https://image.stern.de/9340646/16x9-940-529/9f8d154658da215321de223b6636aabd/gX/16-fauci-ueber-umgang-mit-pandemie---lassen-wir-diesen-unsinn--6172086539001-1.jpg","videoUrl":"ref:f2a9d184-a82e-48be-9ea7-298cc4af6aaa","duration":116,"sources":[["FEEDAGENTUREN","Reuters"],["STERN","stern-online"]],"technicalTags":["news"]}],"noAds":false,"autoplay":false,"logoUrl":"https://www.stern.de/resource/blob/7231600/ca70b2f1ed53b999a1824c536aa08914/logo-stern-white-25x34-png-data.png","duration":116796,"embedLink":"https://www.stern.de/action/7097106/videoembed?videou003d9340644","pipEnabled":false,"defaultTargetParams":"u0026fwd_j4u003d1:2u0026fwd_j5u003d2:3:4u0026fwd_n2u003d3:4u0026fwd_n3u003d3:4u0026fwd_a0u003d2u0026fwd_b1u003d2u0026fwd_b2u003d2u0026fwd_n7u003d3:4u0026fwd_a9u003d2u0026fwd_b8u003d2u0026fwd_b6u003d2u0026fwd_n0u003d3:4u0026fwd_j3u003d3:4u0026fwd_a1u003d2","share":"ems_stern/politik","embedded":true,"adb":true}" class=" video-js vjs-aspectratio-16x9 embedded" controls=""/>–

USA: New record with 77,300 new infections

Meanwhile, the number of new corona infections in the USA has reached a new high of around 77,300 cases. This will break the previous record of 67,800 new cases within 24 hours on July 10th. This is clear from the latest figures on Friday morning’s Johns Hopkins University website in Baltimore (CEST).

In the country with around 330 million inhabitants, more than 3.5 million people have been proven to be infected with Sars-CoV-2. Around 138,000 people died in connection with the virus, which can trigger the lung disease Covid-19.

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