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Corona / Germany: Medicines warn of “horrific consequences” – the number of actively infected is falling

Germany is getting to grips with the coronavirus pandemic – but Covid-19 is far from being defeated. Doctors are now urgently warning of this. The news ticker on the Corona situation in the country.

Coronavirus pandemic*: In Germany are loosening up more and more in the corona crisis.

  • The number of reported new coronavirus infections in Germany is falling, according to RKI statistics (Update, May 20, 9:35 a.m.)
  • German university doctors report new “horrible” symptoms and consequences Covid-19 (Update, May 19, 3:50 p.m.).
  • Here are the basic ones Corona virus facts* and the Corona News from Germany. You will also find current ones here Case numbers in Germany as a map*. There are currently the following recommendations Corona protection measures*.

Corona in Germany: Open the first outdoor pools

Update from May 20, 1:40 p.m.: In North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) the outdoor swimming season starts on Wednesday (May 20th). Other federal states want to follow suit. In Corona summer 2020, however, things are different. Rules apply to bathers.

Corona in Germany: Blood supplies are becoming scarce

Update from May 20, 1:28 p.m.: Blood reserves are becoming scarce in several federal states. “Corona has shaken the blood donation system very clearly,” said Stephan Küpper of the Blood Donation Service West of the German Red Cross (DRK) on Wednesday to the news agency dpa. The reserves are currently particularly scarce in Baden-Württemberg and Hesse.

The problem was the loss of many opportunities to donate blood, not a lack of willingness to donate. Non-urgent surgical procedures would be postponed in part to save acute blood.

Corona in Germany: Nobody buys toilet paper anymore

Update from May 20, 11:16 p.m.: Toilet paper, pasta and tomatoes passed through were very popular in Germany at the start of the corona pandemic. The However, time for buying hamsters seems over, the Federal Statistical Office announced on Wednesday. Evaluations would have shown that buyer behavior in the 20th calendar week (May 11th to 17th) almost settled at the pre-crisis level. The statisticians oppose that the demand for these products is initially saturated.

Soap (plus 38 percent) and disinfectants (plus 152 percent) continue to sell well above average. The Corona winners also included frozen fruit, which was 49 percent above the long-term average in the observed calendar week. After the first loosening, however, wine (minus 21 percent) and condoms (minus 13 percent) were less in demand.

The corona crisis uncovered major problems in the German economy. Aldi now wants to lower certain prices – suppliers, customers and an expert are outraged.

Corona virus in Germany: RKI reports current figures

Update from May 20, 9:35 a.m.

: In Germany, the number of new infections has increased by 797 corona cases within 24 hours, reports the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) (data status: May 20; 00:00). So far, accordingly

176,007 people with Sars-CoV-2

infected. According to RKI, the number of corona deaths rose by 83 to a total of 8090. Compared to the previous day, around 1,200 people, or 156,900, have recovered. There are currently in

Germany 11,017 active coronavirus infections


The Reproduction number, short R-value*, according to RKI information from Tuesday 0.86. This means that each infected person infects a little less than another person on average. The R value shows the infection process approximately one and a half weeks beforehand.

The risk of coronavirus is not yet averted. Wear masks and keep your distance. Which Effective protection of masks in everyday life has tz.de* asked an expert.

Corona virus in Germany: number of new infections

Update from May 19, 8:50 p.m .: How’s that going? Coronavirus pandemic. At the beginning of Corona crisis was in Germany always talk about pushing the curve of new infections below the capacity limit of the national health system.

It was successful. Are currently loud in the Federal Republic Johns Hopkins University – As of Tuesday, May 19, 8:50 p.m. – around 14,000 people registered with the Corona virus infected.

A study by the RKI is planned to test corona antibodies in copper cell in Baden-Württemberg as one of four locations.


So was the number of officially registered Covid 19 cases in Germany at this time at 177,574. At the same time there were 155,681 corona sick people as healed again, 8067 people with Corona virus have died in this country so far.

Loud Deutschlandfunk At the beginning of April, almost 80,000 people were active with the Pathogen Sars-CoV-2 infected – and thus significantly more than now, in mid-May.

Corona crisis in Germany: Federal government advises on slaughterhouses

Update from May 19, 8:15 p.m .: Reports of very poor working conditions in the meat industry have recently been due to an accumulation of Coronavirus infections caused a sensation in slaughterhouses.

The cabinet of Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) is therefore likely to advise on this topic this Wednesday. The working conditions with subcontractors and collective accommodation are not just there, but also because of Corona crisis in Germany and the associated risk of contagion massively criticized.

Update from May 19, 7.30 p.m .: The nationwide representative antibody study of the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) delayed.

Corona crisis in Germany: RKI antibody tests are delayed

The tests of around 30,000 people from around 14,000 households should begin in September, said the head of the epidemiology and health monitoring department at the RKI, Thomas Lampert.

The tests will start months later than originally planned. Results can therefore be expected in October or November. In April that had RKI still informed that the study on Coronavirus pandemic should start in May.

The fight against the corona virus continues in Germany (here in Leipzig).

© dpa / Hendrik Schmidt

The original number of participants was 15,000 – now the Federal Institute has corrected the number significantly.

First registration from May 19, 3:50 p.m. – Munich / Berlin – In Germany occur in the Corona crisis gradually more and more Easing in force. And yet it is Corona virus* far from being defeated or so contained that citizens no longer have to worry.

Corona crisis in Germany: doctors warn of Covid 19 carelessness

Renowned university medical doctors have explicitly pointed this out – and warned against the danger of Covid-19 to underestimate.

So it is with corona not a classic pneumonia like a flu, explained Michael Albrecht, Medical Director of the Carl Gustav Carus University Hospital in Dresden. The disease is “extremely complex”.

Corona in Germany: “Terrible Consequences” in Coronavirus Infection

The doctors would have other “horrible consequences” from Corona infections found, it was said in an interim report this Tuesday.

Central nervous system, spinal cord, or vessel disorders occur in patients with severe history. There are even temporary paraplegia or organ failure of the kidney and liver.

“It has been so well organized and done so well in the past few weeks that it has lost sight of these hideous consequences and impacts not only for individuals but for entire social classes,” said Albrecht, referring to the criticism of the Anti-corona measures.

Corona crisis in Germany: polarizing debate about summer vacation 2020

Is wrestled violently in Germany meanwhile on the topic of summer vacation 2020 – Bavaria’s Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) brought a striking bonus proposal into the debate.*

Follow all developments and trends Coronavirus pandemic in Germany here in the news ticker.

In the debate about a price increase for meat products in the wake of the corona crisis, a CSU politician has sided with the Greens.

pm with material from dpa

* Merkur.de and tz.de are part of the Germany-wide Ippen-Digital editors network

Rubric list picture: © picture alliance / dpa / Maja Hitij

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