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Corona / gastronomy: opening in just a few days? Countries agree on period

Turn the Corona loosening when it comes to gastronomy. A schedule for reopening should be in place. Operation could start again in just a few days.

  • On May 6thFederal-state conference about the procedure in the Corona crisis discussed.
  • The future of gastronomy and Hotel industry a major role.
  • Markus Söder classifies loosening for bars as “difficult to implement”.
  • Here you will find our Guide to reporting*, you will also find current case numbers here in Germany as a card*. There are currently the following recommendations Corona protection measures*

Update from May 5, 9:03 p.m .: The economics ministers of the federal states are striving for a nationwide controlled opening of the hospitality industry in a corridor from 9 to 22 May. The German press agency learned this on Tuesday evening after a video conference of the country ministers Minister of Economics Peter Altmaier (CDU) For tourist accommodation is a Opening planned until the end of May.

It is practically certain that tomorrow’s video switch from Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) with the Prime Ministers of the countries that is exactly what is decided.

The opening is in compliance with Hygiene regulations and Distance regulations as well as plans to protect employees.

Some countries had already announced opening steps for the hospitality industry, with health protection requirements and restrictions. The hospitality industry is one of the sectors most affected by the crisis.

Corona virus: traffic light system in Baden-Württemberg gives hope to gastronomy

Update from May 5, 2:10 p.m .:
In the Corona crisis, from next week on, Baden-Württemberg will rely on a traffic light system for institutions and events to identify what is allowed and what is prohibited.

This should provide guidance to the general public, the Prime Minister said Winfried Kretschmann (Greens) on Tuesday in Stuttgart. According to this scheme, mass events remained red until further notice. However, if the status is yellow, gastronomy can hope to reopen soon.

Gastronomy: Huge easing steps in Bavaria – beer gardens reopened particularly early

Update from May 5, 12:39 p.m .: Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder has some at a press conference on Tuesday Relaxation of the corona measures for the gastronomy announced in his state. The decision was particularly difficult in this area, said Söder at the conference. Because hygiene measures are the most difficult to take there. “We will at Pentecost, on the 30th, allow hotel and tourism“Saunas and swimming pools are excluded. In addition, strict hygiene requirements would generally have to be met.

Also Vacation homes and campsites should then reopen. In the area of ​​normal gastronomy, the opening will take place in stages, Söder announced. At the 25. May “We think it is justifiable, Open restaurants“- with strict requirements. Accordingly, the Limited number of guests distances are important and Kitchen staff and waiters would have to wear masks. As a guest you should also wear a mask when entering the restaurant or going to the toilet. The bars may then remain open until 10 p.m. In addition, the Open outside catering from May 18, but only until 8 p.m.

Corona virus: special mouthguard is supposed to save the catering industry

Update from May 5, 12:08 p.m .: This is particularly important in an industry Corona crisis for big headaches. Gastronomy is suffering significantly from the pandemic: no guests, no sales.

Alexis Vaiou runs a Greek restaurant, he also suffers from the Corona measures. In order to be able to open it again soon, he has developed a special mask that covers the mouth and nose, but with which the food can still be consumed. A zipper makes it possible. And the principle is simple: zip on – eat in – zip on.

Does this special mouthguard save gastronomy?

© Screenshot Facebook / Sat1

Update from May 4, 4:22 p.m .: About possible Corona restrictions relaxed in the gastronomy want Federal Minister of Economics Peter Altmaier and the economics ministers of the federal states discussed on Tuesday. As the German press agency also learned on Monday from groups of participants, the digital conference on Tuesday evening is also about Hotel industry as well as the Event industry go. Another topic is the state of the art Aid programs for self-employed people, for example be.

Gastronomy opening in Corona crisis: Consultations will take place next Wednesday

The talks will help prepare Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) for discussions with the Prime Ministers of the federal states next Wednesday. Last week, the federal and state governments commissioned the relevant ministers to propose Framework conditions for a gradual opening of gastronomy and tourism offers prepare. This should then happen at the meeting after next.

By the way: like a Living with Corona without a vaccine or medication British researchers have recently thought about this. These would not be pleasant prospects for the catering industry either.

Update from May 4, 12:36 p.m .: The gastronomy is of the Easing the coronaactivities remained excluded. Now dash Lower Saxony and is the first federal state to plan the opening from Restaurants. The state government hired one in Hanover on Monday Five-step plan for relaxation in the catering trade in front. According to the concept, initial relief could already exist from May 11th be valid.

Cafes, restaurants, pubs and beer gardens should then be allowed to open again indoors and outdoors. Discotheques and bars, on the other hand, should remain closed. However, the guestUtilization 50 percent the basic capacity. This is to guarantee that the distance requirement can be met.

Gastronomy opening in Corona crisis: Lower Saxony is advancing

The next level can then already on 25. May kick off. Then you could Hotels, Youth hostels and pensions allowed to open again. The maximum utilization of 50 percent also applies here. However, holiday homes should be available for rent from May 11th.

Lower Saxony’s plan for the gastro has not yet been finalized. This should only happen after the consultations between the federal and state governments on Wednesday.

Lower Saxony’s Prime Minister Stephan Weil explicitly pointed out in the relevant press conference that this was not a plan that was planned for all federal states. “This is a plan for Lower Saxony – very clear”, so Weil. He referred to the different development of infection numbers in the countries.

Corona: gastronomy opening in Germany? Sector in need – unemployment skyrocketed

First report from May 4, 2020:

Munich – In the Corona crisis* Suffer Restaurateurs especially among the closures. On Wednesday, May 6th, the next Federal-state talks talked about the further procedure for the catering trade. However, without opening in May Local the prospect, said the Prime Minister of North Rhine-Westphalia Armin Laschet. Already at the end of April, he pushed for early relief for the catering trade. Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder on the other hand was cautious to skeptical.

Gastronomy in the Corona crisis: Söder is critical of opening up the gastro

The catering trade is one of the “most sensitive Areas “in crisis,” says Laschet. But he also knows that “wherever alcohol is served, the distance requirement is quickly forgotten”. That’s why Markus Söder the proposed easing is initially difficult to implement. For him, this economic area remains “the biggest challenge”, Even if“ clever, great concepts ”have already been presented by the participants for the upcoming conference.

But in the catering industry, the currently applicable mouth protection obligation will not be able to be implemented, even one Distance requirement “Remains in the face of alcohol well, we say, at least more difficult to implement consistently, ”said Söder.

Corona in the gastro: unemployment in the hospitality industry increased by 208 percent

The focus of German restaurateurs is given the current one Existence of thousands of companies at the federal-state conference on May 6th. Bavaria’s restaurateurs made a dramatic appeal to politicians: Angela Inselkammer, President of the Bavarian Hotel and Restaurant Association, called for a gradual Reboot of gastronomy and the hotel industry. Companies should – so far Hygiene standards for protection against infection can be observed – may open. And that regardless of boundaries such as Company sizes or opening times.

“Without the hotel and catering trade, our lives will become poorer. We are not only systemically important, but also relevant to life“, Says Inselkammer. Unemployment in the hospitality industry is over in April 208 percent increased compared to the previous month. This is the highest increase in all German economic sectors. The Munich restaurateurs found themselves at the end of April for a curious and creative protest action on Odeonsplatz.

Economic experts are concerned that unemployment could increase enormously despite short-time work.

List of rubric lists: © dpa / Jens Kalaene

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