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Corona economic stimulus program: waiting for the right oomph

Status: 03.06.2021 8:10 a.m.

A year ago the federal government decided on an extensive economic stimulus package. It should help the economy to start again after the Corona slump – with “oomph”. What did it do?

From Martin Polansky,
ARD capital studio

A year ago, Finance Minister Olaf Scholz coined the term: “We want to get out of the crisis with oomph.” Scholz was referring to the 130 billion euro economic stimulus program on which the governing coalition had agreed at the time.


The paddle
June 3rd, 2021 • 10:23 am

@H. Hummel at 9.34 a.m.

“The same old story … if something is done, it is bad, nothing is done, even worse.” I can understand your criticism of the critics. However … you have also made no argument as to what was good about the measures. The search will be really difficult, because the criticism made here in the forum so far is factual and well-founded. It’s really not always like that.

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