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Corona easing: Markus Söder warns of “opening frenzy”

From Monday, some restrictions will be relaxed in Bavaria, although the number of infections is rising again. Prime Minister Söder told Bayerischer Rundfunk: “We need caution with perspective.” You would feel that the people are in an unsafe mood. On the one hand, there is a great desire for more freedom; on the other hand, one should see that the incidences are increasing slightly.

Protective measures with a sense of proportion

Söder emphasized that in Bavaria “the situation is much more stable than elsewhere. We are way ahead when it comes to the good numbers.” Nevertheless, one must be careful and continue to monitor the situation with a sense of proportion, with protective measures, with mask concepts, with extensive test concepts. “Then you can also represent that,” said Söder.

When asked about the Bund-Länder-Round on Corona next Wednesday and the question of whether it would not have made more sense to wait a little longer and relax in order to ensure a uniform approach in Germany, Bavaria’s Prime Minister said: “Most of the other federal states have already done what we did. We still have the strongest measures. We have curfews in the hot spots. We have the FFP-2 mask requirement, which most do not have. ”

“We need a clever opening matrix”

In other federal states, a lot is already allowed in retail, says Söder. He gave the example “Click and Meet”. Bavaria is very careful in this regard. It is also true that Bavaria would be in a better position than many others, said Söder. “We need a clever opening matrix that has a predictable development that can be seen with foresight. If more happens, then less can be opened and if the number of infections is downward or stable, then more can happen.”

You shouldn’t fall into a kind of opening frenzy and risk a third wave. He advocated regional differentiations of the restrictions, for example if individual cities or districts had very low or high incidences.

Söder wants to change the order if there are left over vaccination doses

Regarding the debate about the release of the AstraZeneca vaccine for everyone, Söder said: “In the end, every vaccination box has to be vaccinated as quickly as possible. Because every vaccinated person is a protection for himself, but also for others, because he cannot pass the infection on. ” Should AstraZeneca vaccine remain, these doses should be released, stressed Söder. So “whoever wants to be vaccinated can also get vaccinated. Then we increase protection and increase protection faster than if we wait forever for it”.

The ministers-presidents of Saxony and Baden-Württemberg, Kretschmer and Kretschmann, also expressed themselves in favor of a loosening of the vaccination sequence if vaccine like the one from AstraZeneca remained.

Söder wants to create a large number of “vaccination stations”

Söder expects a lot of vaccine to come from April. Therefore, according to the Bavarian Prime Minister, one should consider setting up vaccination stations “in areas where there is a lot to be done, at universities, at schools, as far as it is permissible, and then make a recommendation from the fixed, rigid prioritization. Otherwise it will take forever until we have adequate protection for the population. ”

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