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Corona disease without symptoms: Severe damage with fatal consequences possible

Little is known about the possible long-term consequences of Corona. A current study shows that Covid-19 can damage the heart – even with a mild course.

  • A study clarifies possible Long-term consequences one Corona-Infection on.
  • Even patients without symptoms can have severe damage.
  • The Coronavirus Not only can the lungs do that, but also that heart weaken immensely.

Kassel – Corona does not always have to be related to serious symptoms. There are many patients who Covid-19 survive without symptoms. Nevertheless, serious long-term effects can occur – including damage to the Hearts.

An actual study at the University Clinic Frankfurt shows that a symptom-free course can have consequences. A total of 100 people watching one Corona infection have been through the Researcher Valentina Puntmann and their colleagues examined. The result: Corona can not only affect the lungs, but also that heart influence.

Study by the University Clinic Frankfurt: Cough is the most common corona symptom

Pathogen Sars-CoV-2
illness Covid-19
Symptoms Fever, cough, runny nose, fatigue, aching limbs, shortness of breath

As reported by fnp.de, Corona– Study by the University Clinic Frankfurt * 53 men and 47 women with an average age of 49 years were examined. 36 of the participants also sued after the infection about exhaustion and shortness of breath.

The most common symptom turned out to be to cough out. Almost half of the subjects (41 percent) struggled with it. Follow behind fever (31 percent) and sniff (24 percent). 21 percent of the respondents experienced a loss of the sense of smell and / or taste.

Corona study: Little is currently known about long-term consequences (symbol image)

© Jens Büttner / dpa

Study shows: Corona can damage the heart

During the study The heart function of men and women was also examined with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The researchers found: 78 percent had abnormalities on theirs heart. And that although the Corona infection was between 64 and 94 days ago.

60 percent were even from one Myocarditis affected. This illness, often the result of a flu-like infection, has serious consequences. In many cases, the disease goes undetected because the symptoms are not always apparent. In particularly severe cases, this can cause cardiac insufficiency or cardiac arrhythmia – with fatal consequences.

Corona study from Frankfurt: Do previous illnesses have no influence?

The experts out Frankfurt According to previous illnesses and the length of recovery did not affect the results of the study. The abnormalities in the heart should also occur regardless of the severity of the disease.

Of the 100 participants, 67 cured themselves from within their own four walls, 18 sufferers had no symptoms at all and 49 Crown-Patiënten experienced a moderate course. Accordingly, heart damage can also occur if the course of the disease is mild and there are no previous illnesses. However, the researchers emphasize that the result of the Corona-Studie cannot yet be firmly defined. The result of the research team was published in the journal “JAMA Cardiology”.

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New study: Little is known about long-term corona consequences

Overall, little is known in research about possible long-term effects of Covid-19 known. Therefore, it remains to be seen how the participants’ heart health will develop. Puntmann could not yet make any statements about this, as fnp.de * reported. Investigations on Hearts in times of Corona but should not be neglected.

Just recently, another corona study gained new knowledge. Natural ingredients of some foods have high effectiveness against that Coronavirus and can even inhibit this. (Karolin Schaefer) * fnp.de is part of the nationwide Ippen digital editorial network.

Title list image: © Eddie Moore / Imago

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