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Corona debate: clash over healthcare salaries | Inland

Follow the debate via reporter Niels Rigter at the bottom of this post or watch it live.

On Tuesday, the Lower House adopted a proposal by a narrow majority calling on the cabinet to increase healthcare salaries even more. However, the cabinet points out that salaries are already going up considerably and that the appeal from the House is not successful.

“Finally the motion was passed, without even anyone running away,” says Wilders. “Healthcare providers happy. And then they are told: it will not take place. ” “An insult to parliament, an insult to democracy and a slap in the face of all heroes of care.” SP leader Lilian Marijnissen agrees. ,,This is unacceptable. The cabinet will not get away with this. ”

The House has recently become increasingly critical of the cabinet’s corona policy. The parties believe, among other things, that the cabinet has waited too long with new measures to stop the growing number of infections.

Press care

It is still too early to measure the effect of the new measures, said Rutte during a short press conference on Tuesday evening. The measures took effect almost two weeks ago. According to the prime minister, the picture of the last days is not unfavorable. A leveling off is visible, but the numbers remain too high. This image also emerges from the technical briefing that RIVM director Jaap van Dissel and Ernst Kuipers of the National Network Acute Care gave to the House earlier today. Still, it will take until the new year before the healthcare sector has some air again, Kuipers said.

Rutte will also have to clarify the press conference last Tuesday evening. There the message was that the figures still offer insufficient guidance to adjust or not to adjust the measures of 13 October. Nevertheless, De Jonge said between nose and lips that we ‘know for sure’ that the measures must remain in force until December.


State Secretary Mona Keijzer confused the message by stating late at night on TV that extension of the measures, including closing the catering industry, is by no means certain.

GL leader Klaver supports the extension of the measures. “But don’t put that between nose and lips. It’s an enormous announcement. ” It doesn’t help that Keijzer again undercut the message at Op1. “One of the most important instruments available to the cabinet is crystal-clear communication.”

Of course we must adhere to the measures. “But the cabinet is also failing,” says Marijnissen. She points out that the basis, the testing policy and the source and contact research are not in order. PvdA leader Asscher agrees: “I find it indecent to say something at a press conference that was not allowed to be called press conferences that you could already know three weeks ago: that we have to live with limitations for the time being.”

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