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Corona crisis: US government rejects lockdown on second wave

DThe US government is refusing to lockdown again in a possible second wave of coronavirus infections. “We cannot close the economy,” said Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin on Thursday on CNBC. “I think we learned that if you shut down the economy, you can do more damage.”

Statements by US President Donald Trump in the short message service Twitter went in a similar direction. The president predicted a “very good third quarter, a great fourth quarter and 2021 one of our best years ever” for the economy. There will also soon be a vaccine and treatment options for Covid 19 patients.

More than two million coronavirus infections and more than 113,000 deaths have been confirmed in the United States – by far the highest numbers worldwide. Experts fear a further increase in infections due to the relaxation of the corona restrictions. Recently, a renewed increase in patient numbers has been observed in several states, such as Texas and North Carolina.

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The corona virus pandemic triggered a devastating economic crisis in the United States. Trump wants a return to normality as quickly as possible in order to get the economy going again in election year 2020. The president is counting on a rapid economic recovery for re-election. On Friday next week, he also plans to hold a major campaign event for the first time since March.

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