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Corona crisis: summer vacation in danger! Mallorca threatens to be a real disaster – the Leyen gives Europeans only limited hope

Can we go on vacation again in the summer? Heiko Maas comments on the vacation plans with a clear assessment. A special plan is being discussed in Austria.

Update from April 20, 4:02 p.m .: Although the restrictions are slowly but surely being relaxed, the all-clear is still a long way off. Summer vacation also seems more than questionable. The EU Commission President appeared in a conversation with a Portuguese newspaper Ursula of of the Leyen now optimistic – at least what the vacation in your own country. “I think we will find intelligent solutions to go on a summer vacation. Maybe a little different than in the years before Corona, ”von Leyen quotes in the interview.

Update from April 20, 12.43 p.m .: After Austria’s tourism manager Elisabeth Köstinger (ÖVP) hinted at Germany with regard to Summer holidays in the Alpine Republic ready to talk the Austrian Minister for Economic Affairs now has to be Margarete Schramböck (ÖVP) voiced about it. The Austrian government is therefore generally willing to consider opening the borders to summer vacationers from Germany.

Coronavirus: Austria’s Minister of Economic Affairs announces summer vacation talks

“To there will certainly be talks, but also step by step, ”said the Economics Minister in Vienna on Monday. Of course, the progress in tourism depended on the development of the corona pandemic in Germany and Austria. Is currently still unclear when exactly such a step can be implemented. The Germans are the most important group among tourists in Austria. Experts suspect that up to two thirds of Austrian accommodation providers cannot cope with the absence of German tourists.

To Austria wants at the end of April now one Plan for the gradual ramp-up of gastronomy and tourism submit. There will be requirements such as distance and hygiene rules, it said in advance.

Coronavirus: summer vacation in Austria? State Department is cautious

Update from April 19, 6:05 p.m .: The Austrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs appears to have taken the suggestion to open the borders for summer vacationers from countries like Germany (entry from 12.55 p.m.) with caution.

The Ministry of Health was also skeptical, but wants “the necessary information in due course Framework conditions and requirements check “, as quoted by the APA news agency. However, it should be clarified whether it Health checks needs to what extent the stay in Austria limited in time and space will be or what obligations hotels and Co. have to fulfill.

Chancellor Angela Merkel also sees risks in the easing – and attacks her colleagues exceptionally sharply on the phone. Merkel makes her biggest concern clear.

Corona: Summer vacation – Ballermann’s high season is in danger

Update from April 19, 4:14 p.m .: The high season for the actually begins in May Party hotspots in Mallorca – but because of the Corona crisis Ballermann even threatens to go out. The season opener with Beer King Opening will definitely fail this year. Now even the main season is in danger.

The Spanish government plans to launch the second stage of its plan by the end of the year Resumption of tourism ignite, but by then it could be too late. A complete season without Foreign tourists there probably won’t be, but in November or December there is nothing going on at Ballermann.

The Balearic Minister of Tourism Iago Negueruela, on the other hand, who is hoping for a “season start light” in the July or august spoke like that picture reported. However, it is difficult to imagine that the party stronghold Ballermann then fully ramped up again.

The Balearic Islands and the Canary Islands are the least affected regions in Spain, but for the operators of the Ballermann it is still about survival. Companies such as the “Bierkönig” or the “Megapark” are threatened due to the corona pandemic without state help from the Super meltdown.

Corona: summer vacation prohibited? Sudden deal with Austria suddenly possible – “If countries …”

Update from April 19, 12.55 p.m .: For many Germans it is the best time of the year: Summer, sun, vacation – in another country. This year, however, things could look different for many Germans. Due to the Coronavirus pandemic it can be assumed that the Germans will have to spend their holidays at home this year.

Or isn’t it? A summer trip to one of our neighboring countries could possibly be feasible. This is how the Austrian tourism minister interprets Elisabeth Köstinger across from The press in matters Opportunity to travel in summer Discussion area with Germany.

“The restriction of freedom of travel will remain in the next few months,” says Köstinger: “But if countries are also on a very good and positive path, such as Germany, then there is definitely the possibility that you can reach a bilateral agreement. ”

Holidays in the Alps Republic Austria would be possible? That would be wonderful. “There is no deadline, there could be further waves of infection,” and that would result in “that again.” far-reaching measures must be met, ”Köstinger warns of premature euphoria.

Nevertheless, she is cautiously optimistic: “Because we have the Spread of the corona virus have a relatively good grip on it, and as the federal government can already offer the prospect of easing the measures step by step, we also definitely plan that the Summer vacation tourism will give. “

Coronavirus: Summer Vacation – Traveling to Mallorca or Italy? Meuse with a tough statement

Berlin – The Corona crisis* still causes many restrictions worldwide, also in Germany the ban on contacts and many restrictions must still be lived. But when will return Europe back to normal? Is even the long-awaited one Summer vacation in danger?

Video: Jens Spahn’s interim report after a 4-week corona pandemic

Corona virus in Germany: is summer vacation in danger?

In principle, one still applies at the moment Travel warning, but can citizens start their summer vacation as planned in the coming months? Heiko Maas, Federal Foreign Minister, has now commented on inquiries from many concerned citizens. In conversation with picture Maas explains that the vacation in the foreign countries a rejection must continue to be issued for the time being. Markus too Söder showed up on Thursday skeptical of that.

“At the moment I don’t see any reason to remove the travel warning,” Maas explains at first. So many would countries currently impose strict entry rules for entry, the number of Infections* can increase by traveling.

Maas is now talking about vacation plans in summer.

© dpa / Bernd von Jutrczenka

Many hope that the novel pathogen Sars-CoV-2 will lose activity due to warm temperatures. A virologist explains whether Outside temperatures affect the coronavirus *.

Corona in Germany: Heiko Maas confirms concerned concerns

Another problem is the current volatile situation worldwide. In this way, it cannot be guaranteed that tourists will be able to leave their holiday destination again. As long as this cannot be guaranteed, the travel warnings would have to remain.

As Meuse across from picture further explained, the inquiries of concerned citizens are currently increasing. However, a final statement has not yet been made. The situation will change in the next three Weeks should be reevaluated, but too high hopes for vacation abroad should citizens from Germany do not do at first.

Corona in Germany: Heiko Maas surprises with a tough announcement

As Maas further explains in the conversation, there has so far been “no single reason” and above all no “indications” that the situation will change by summer could have relaxed.

In the conversation, Heiko Maas clarifies that it is for reckless people Vacationers in future no return campaigns. If, despite the current travel warning, citizens want to take their vacation abroad, they would not be brought back by the government in an emergency.

“We will be one Return campaignhow the 240,000 people we brought back cannot do again in the summer, ”Maas continues.

The corona virus also causes restrictions in NRW, and now a large department store chain is suing. In Italy, meanwhile, one thinks about easing the Corona measures after. This threatens to divide Italy. *

A mask requirement will be introduced in Bavaria from April 27 – we explain the background.

* merkur.de is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.

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