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Corona crisis: Merkel collapses as far as possible – but remains firm on three points

Further easing of the corona restrictions in Germany is imminent. Individual countries are already racing ahead. Chancellor Merkel apparently has had enough of this.

3:39 pm: Now takes Merkel position on the EU finance package. Politicians are still facing “difficult negotiations”. The goal is to reach an agreement by autumn.

Compared to the proposal by Macron and Merkel, the EU has put another 50 percent on top. The Chancellor said that the EU is not exactly following the proposal, not surprising Merkel. This is now a proposal that will be “given constructive advice” and “must be looked at in detail”.

Corona in Germany: Merkel slaps Ramelow verbally

3.32 p.m .: “I have a slightly modified view of how to deal with the private sphere”, Merkel says with a view to the statements made by Bodo Ramelows. It refers to what is happening in a restaurant in Leer. General and general rules are needed. This would also give the population a guide to behavior.

To explain: Ramelow had emphasized that no rules for the private sector were to be issued. This would cross a line. Thuringia, among others, had blocked a federal concept in this regard.

Merkel’s tone became quite sharp when she answered. Discrepancies in consultations between the federal and state governments had previously been reported. The Chancellor countered Bodo Ramelow’s statements unusually sharply for her circumstances and quite slapped Ramelow in the face.

Corona in Germany: Merkel remains tough on three points

3:28 pm: Thuringia wants to trade more with commands and less with prohibitions in the future. Merkel points out that the citizens had acted independently so far, otherwise the measures would not have worked.

Nevertheless, it is important for them that there are general rules in certain points. she calls three Points: The Mask requirement, the Distance rule and the CeilingsEmergency brake from a certain number of infections.

The federal and state governments would now have to keep a close eye on what is happening. One is always armed “when new problems arise, to act together”.

3:24 pm: Angela Merkel now takes the floor. She thanks the German population in advance for their willingness to stick to the measures. After the positive development of the Corona numbers in the last few days, the federal states, which have many responsibilities anyway – for example in the field of education – are now more responsible.

Countries take over corona control: next exchange with the federal government only in mid-June

A few key points have been agreed in the last few days that still apply. Among them, for example, the mask requirement. Now the countries would make regional decisions depending on the infection situation.

Merkel expressly points out: “Whenever there is a desire for the federal states to speak to the federal government, this will be done”. The next date, however, is not scheduled until June 17th. Conversely, according to Merkel, this means: “If I have the desire to speak to the countries, they are also ready to do so.”

“We are still at the beginning of the pandemic, but we have gained more control,” said the Chancellor. “We can see from some events how quickly the infection can develop differently again.”

Even after the restrictions in the Corona crisis is the catering industry in a dramatic situation. A wave of bankruptcy threatens. *

Corona in Germany: Müller speaks of a “new phase” in the crisis

3.18 p.m .: Chancellor Angela Merkel met with the Prime Ministers of the East German states on Wednesday. The meeting was not specifically about the corona crisis. Nevertheless, the pandemic was also the subject of the talks.

Berlin’s governing mayor Michael Müller begins. He believes that the Corona regional approach will now vary depending on the level of infection. Nevertheless, there will still be a close exchange between the federal government and the federal states. Perhaps a “new phase” is now starting, says Müller. It is now necessary to compare the findings between the countries regarding tests and possible faster school openings.

Update from May 27, 3:14 p.m .: In a few minutes, Chancellor Angela Merkel will give a statement in a press conference after consulting with prime ministers of the eastern German states.

Update from May 27, 11:57 a.m .: With Angela Merkel’s Corona Plan most of the country heads obviously disagreed (we reported). Already on Monday it became clear that Merkel’s head of the Chancellery Helge Braun (CDU) could not prevail against the heads of state chancellors of the countries. The result: that No contact only applies until June 29 instead of the originally planned 5th July and instead of Meet in private homes at most ten people to limit it soon no limit to the number of people give more in your own home.

Corona fight becomes a national issue in Germany – Merkel gives in

Prime Minister of Baden-Württemberg Winfried Kretschmann (Greens) finally said last Tuesday what was already happening: Merkel has been replaced, the Corona fight is now a national matter. “The responsibility now lies with the prime ministers and counties,” said Kretschmann. The Prime Minister further stated that it is for the time being no further telephone switching between his counterparts and the Chancellor.

Baden-Württemberg’s Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann now sees responsibility for the corona crisis in the federal states.

© dpa / Christoph Schmidt

This is finally clear: Merkel, who has been struggling for weeks as a mediator in the federal-state consultations, is now out. The From now on, federal states want to decide for themselveswhich new corona rules should apply. So one head of country after the other stepped in front of the cameras on Tuesday and announced their own plans.

But not only the prime ministers, they too Chancellor the federal-state consultations are apparently tired now, reported Bild.de. She wanted that “Don’t do anything for now”, it said on Tuesday from the chancellor’s environment. And at the last summit on May 6, Merkel admitted she be “about to give up”, because the heads of state of the countries had demanded ever more far-reaching easing.

Corona in Germany: Loosening dominoes of the federal states are in full swing

Now that is Loosening domino apparently started, because there were always new relief from the countries:

Bavaria: Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) announced that Concerts, theater and cinema visits from June 15th are possible again. All children should also be allowed to go back to kindergartens and crèches by July 1st.

Baden-Wuerttemberg: Here at the latest end of June again all daycare centers in normal operation work.

Brandenburg: From Thursday services and demonstrations with up to 150 participants are again allowed.

Hamburg opens his Outdoor pools from June 2nd and also gyms and cinemas are allowed to reopen today (Wednesday, May 27).

Rhineland-Palatinate: Also allowed in this state Open the outdoor pools, cinemas and gyms as of today.

Saxony-Anhalt want Elementary school students from June 15th again every day bring to class.

Corona in Germany: FDP again calls for quick opening of daycare centers

Update from May 27, 8:14 a.m.: The FDP demands that the family ministers of the countries open the day care centers quickly on. “After the many weeks of exhausting weeks, parents finally need a reliable perspective for their children and planning security for their job,” explains Marco Buschmann, FDP parliamentary director of the AFP news agency. He sees NRW as a role model, where all children will be able to visit their day care center again from June 8th. “Children need children and a regular everyday life that they can rely on,” says Buschmann.

Does Angela Merkel renounce her power in the Corona crisis?

Update from May 26, 9:55 p.m .: Even if the federal government and the federal states have now apparently agreed – the events of the past few days have raised great questions: no Chancellor Angela Merkel to power in the Corona crisis now? The constellation wrests Markus Söder an unusual demand.

Corona in Germany: Merkel and Co. apparently agree on new Corona plan – there is still chaos

Update from May 26, 7.46 p.m .: The federal and state governments have basically agreed that the Coronavirus pandemic contact restrictions extended to June 29 will. That includes that a maximum of ten people or relatives of two
households may meet in public, as the German Press Agency learned from government circles in Berlin and Thuringia. Thuringia, however, keeps a special path open with new contact restrictions, as do other countries.

The compromise was agreed by the State Chancelleries of the states and the chancellery. Hour-long consultations on Monday were initially unsuccessful.

Among other things, the protocol declaration of the Free State of Thuringia reserves the right to decide on different regulations for stays in public spaces, provided that the infection process allows this. Prime Minister Bodo Ramelow (left) had said that state regulations are emergency interventions that are only justified if the infection process requires it. Government circles in Erfurt also said that other federal states had also announced different regulations, including more restrictive ones.

Coronavirus: Ramelow wants to continue pursuing away from prohibitions

Update from May 26, 4:45 p.m .: Regardless of the criticism Prime Minister of Thuringia Bodo Ramelow (Left) continue to pursue the path to an exit of the Free State from the comprehensive corona bans. After a cabinet meeting in Erfurt, he confirmed on Tuesday that Thuringia “switch from crisis mode to control modeIn view of the 238 corona people currently infected in Thuringia, the state interference in fundamental rights can no longer be justified. The red-red-green state cabinet has not yet taken a specific decision.

Instead of repeatedly extending the general decrees, it will come down to theImplementation of hygiene concepts in the individual industries on, said Ramelow. Protection against infection is also a personal task for every citizen, “no state government or police can help me,” said Ramelow.

The one proposed by the Federal Chancellery Contact restriction Thuringia does not want to participate in meetings with a maximum of ten people. Ramelow said that exceeding this threshold of privacy by a state regulation is not justifiable.

Ramelow affirmed compliance with one Minimum distance and wearing mouth-nose protection in local public transport and in shops continues to make sense. “The virus is still there, the virus is still dangerous,” said Ramelow.

Saxony wants to implement an independent approach in corona politics from June 6th

Update from May 26, 2:31 p.m .: Saxony wants to implement the independent approach in corona politics from June 6th. Then there should be loud Minister of Health Petra Köpping (SPD), which had already announced a change in how to deal with the corona restrictions, the existing restrictions will be further relaxed. Contact restrictions, Distance requirement and Mask requirement but will probably continue to exist. Against that Prohibitions in the future too Commanded will. Visits to old people’s and nursing homes will soon be made easier.

Corona: According to Kretschmann, further action will become a matter for the country

Update from May 26, 2:26 p.m.: According to the Prime Minister of Baden-Württemberg Winfried Kretschmann (Greens) is the corona policy to Country issue will. “The responsibility now lies with the prime ministers and counties,” Kretschmann said clearly in Stuttgart on Tuesday in the direction of Berlin. Accordingly, no further conferences are from Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) or from Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) planned.

Corona: Merkel plans to loosen – but loses patience: “Don’t do more”

Update from May 26, 7:10 a.m .: Loosen quickly or prefer to exercise extra caution? Are about it Chancellor Angela Merkel and many Prime Ministers of the federal states apparently divided. As early as May 6, Merkel is said to have said in a video chat with the country heads that she was “about to give up“. The reason back then: The heads of state of the countries have pushed for more and more easing.

Corona loosening: federal and state governments are struggling for the next steps

The same thing happened yesterday in the round of heads of state chancellors in the federal states Head of Chancellor Helge Braun (CDU) off, reports Bild.de (Article behind the payment barrier). In Braun’s draft resolution, which was sent on Sunday, there was a requirement for masks in certain public areas and the Minimum distance of 1.5 meters continue to talk, should also a maximum of 10 people in your own home may come together and open-air gatherings are “generally limited to a maximum of 20 people”.

A period of time Contact bans until July 5 was added on Monday morning. The countries agreed with the obligation to wear masks and distance, but the consensus stopped there. The countries saw a need for correction in the number and origin of people who want to meet at home or in the open air, reports Bild.de. Federal states like Saxony-Anhalt and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, which have a lower infection rate, want theirs Restrict citizens less than Bavaria, for example, which is struggling with higher infection numbers.

Corona loosening: new design allows the countries a lot of freedom

Result: The Chancellery gave way. The final draft, which has yet to be approved by the federal states this Tuesday, now states that the Contact restrictions only five weeks (“until June 29”) apply and then be adjusted. The following also applies to “staying in public space”: meetings are allowed with up to ten people or “members of two households”.

Particularly noteworthy: there is no longer a maximum number for your own home. The only condition for house or grill parties: Enough space so that the “compliance with the distance rule” is possible and sufficient fresh air is available.

After this tough struggle for loosening, she has Chancellor apparently no longer interested in heated federal-state discussions. How Bild.de reported, there will be no video switches between Merkel and the country heads until further notice. From Merkel’s environment it is said that she wants tofor now, don’t do it anymore“. A meeting of the Corona cabinet scheduled for Monday was also rescheduled to next Wednesday. Government spokesman Steffen Seibert, however, assured that this had nothing to do with Merkel’s annoyance at possible solo efforts by the states, such as most recently in Thuringia.

Corona loosening: Söder supports Merkel’s loosening plans

Update from May 25, 8:05 p.m .: Nothing has been decided yet – yes CSU boss Markus Söder,
The former Chancellor Gerhard Schröder gave important advice on the Chancellor’s question in his podcast Chancellor Angela Merkel’s plans (CDU). She wants to extend the contact restrictions in the Corona crisis to July. Even if there are different differentiations in the execution, the “mothers of all questions, Distance requirement and mask requirement, indispensable, ”said Bavarian Prime Minister on Monday evening in ZDF.

Söder thus directly supported the of the Federal Chancellery submitted plan to keep the contact restrictions binding until July 5. In a newer version of the template is only mentioned from June 29th.

Söder also reaffirmed his criticism of Thuringia’s advance. As long as there is no medication and no vaccine, you move with them Easing on very thin ice. Söder also criticized that in Thuringia the municipalities would obviously be left alone to combat corona. In order to fight the pandemic, more tests, more information, more protective materials and more employees are needed at the health authorities.

Corona loosening: Seibert reveals details of Merkel’s wishes – do three rules remain in Germany?

Update from May 25, 4:23 p.m .: This Monday, the federal and state governments confer on the next course in the Corona crisis – official results are not yet known. But Government spokesman Steffen Seibert already has a direction of thrust Angela Merkel’s Chancellery let through.

According to Seibert, Merkel wants to ensure that even after the previous agreements expire next week, “binding orders“will give – and not only recommendations. It is about not jeopardizing progress. The recent outbreaks in Hesse and Lower Saxony have shown” what happens if basic rules are disregarded, “said Seibert. The federal states should” brave and be vigilant.

Merkel advocates that it should be 1.5 meter distance rule, too Contact restrictions and Hygiene regulations give clear rules, Seibert now officially confirmed (see below).

Corona: New Merkel plans leaked – far-reaching easing will soon come across Germany

Chancellor Angela Merkel plans to proceed in the corona crisis. (Archive picture)

© dpa / Odd Andersen

Berlin – How are you Germany in the coronaCrisis ahead? Thuringia* had just hurried ahead and had extensive Easing the Restrictions* announced. Saxony followed this path, albeit with limitations. Saxony’s Health Minister Petra Köpping announced a “paradigm shift”. But how does the federal government proceed? Chancellor Corona Cabinet meeting Angela Merkel was canceled on Monday. Probably because you urgently want to coordinate with the countries.

Corona virus in Germany: Merkel plans further easing

Now details have leaked about how the federal government is going to tackle the next few weeks of the corona pandemic. The picture (behind payment barrier) reports on a Resolution template from Merkels Chancellery, which is to be discussed on Monday at twelve o’clock in a telephone exchange between the federal government and the heads of state chancellery.

Accordingly, Chancellor-in-Office Helge Braun suggests that even after June 5 nationwide Minimum distance of 1.5 meters be mandatory. Also the Mask requirement* the paper quotes that “in certain public areas” should be retained.

The states – with the exception of Thuringia – should want to join in on these points. On the other hand, other points are about general No contact* controversial. Accordingly, the proposed resolution recommends holding private gatherings outdoors if possible and restricting them to 20 people. In addition, the hygiene rules should also be implemented at private gatherings at home in closed rooms. Here, the number of people should be limited to a maximum of ten. Here, the states would prefer regional regulations, it goes on to say.

Corona easing in Germany: is Chancellor Merkel threatening a federal-state dispute?

Another possible far-reaching relaxation of the measures follows: According to the positive development, the stay in public space from June 6th should no longer be generally restricted by binding orders. This should only be the case if the regional infection events require it. This could mean that more than two households are likely to meet in public.

Researchers from Munich now want to have identified a marker that could be used to predict how a corona disease will develop.

Virologist Hendrik Streeck does not expect a second wave of infection, but still sees the danger of hotspots.

rjs / dpa

* merkur.de is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.

List of rubric lists: © dpa / Tobias Schwarz

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