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Corona: convalescent or vaccinated – which antibodies protect “better”?

Genesis and vaccinated people will no longer get seriously ill with corona. Nevertheless, they can become infected and infect others.

Frankfurt – Immunity does not immediately mean that you are no longer contagious. It was already apparent during the approval studies for the corona vaccines that immunized people can become infected again. Immunized persons are also not infectious in the same way. In addition, blood tests have shown that the antibodies are different from those who have recovered and who have been vaccinated.

Age is also decisive for vaccinated people. In a Danish study, health care workers and residents of nursing homes were tested for their contagiousness after a second Biontech vaccination. The employees had a vaccination protection of 90 percent. The residents of the nursing homes, however, only 64 percent. In a study by Astrazeneca, fully vaccinated people were tested weekly for corona. Depending on the vaccination, 50 to 67 percent were protected from renewed infection.

Corona: how contagious are genesis and vaccinated people?

Even more important is the question of the extent to which vaccinated people have such a high viral load in their throat that they can infect others. So far there has only been one register analysis from Scotland worldwide. The study evaluated health data from 144,525 doctors and nursing staff as well as from 194,362 people who lived with them. The research team from the Institute of Health and Wellbeing calculated a protective effect of 60 percent for close contacts.

The protection seems to be higher for those who have recovered than for those who have been vaccinated. The European Disease Authority (ECDC) reports that new infections occur less frequently in those who have recovered than those who have been vaccinated. The protective effect is “very high” for five to seven months after complete immunization. Depending on the study, it was 81 to 100 percent. It has not yet been researched whether infections correlate with a lower viral load in those who have recovered.

Corona: Antibodies from geneses and vaccinated persons differ

Claudia Denkinger, Infectiologist at Heidelberg University Hospital, is using antibodies in blood samples to research a possible therapy for Covid sufferers together with her team. But not every blood plasma is suitable for therapy: “First of all, the antibody levels have to be high, and we also need good antibodies, those that bind particularly precisely and firmly to the virus,” explained Denkinger.

Genesis and vaccinated people will no longer get seriously ill with corona. Nevertheless, they can become infected and infect others.

© Sina Schuldt / dpa

In contrast to those who have recovered, the antibodies of the vaccinated are very uniform and are equipped with the very potent IgG-type antibodies. However, they are completely lacking type IgA. “These IgA antibodies are very mobile, they penetrate the mucous membranes directly, patrol there for viruses,” says Denkinger. Without IgAs, a pathogen like Sars-CoV-2 could go unnoticed in the body for a while.

Corona variants spread more frequently in immunized people

The research also points to the risks of the Corona variants, such as B.1.351 from South Africa, B.1.1.7 from England or P1 from Brazil. ECDC recalls that most vaccine studies were done “before the worrisome variants were in circulation. There is now evidence that the vaccines are less effective with the variants. ”The same is true for naturally acquired immunity.

Data from Israel confirm the ECDC’s acceptance. Although the South African variant B.1.351 only made up comparatively 1 out of 100 cases of initial infections, those who were vaccinated were eight times more likely to be infected with B.1.351 than the unvaccinated group. (David Suárez Caspar)

Headline list image: © Sina Schuldt

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