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Corona: Contact bans for Germany: allegations against Merkel, Laschet – and against Söder

The crisis summit with Chancellor Merkel is about nationwide exit restrictions due to the corona virus.

Update from March 23, 5:10 p.m .: Exceptional situations are actually moments of political peace in Germany – so too Corona crisis. Some of the latest initiatives adopted by the Bundestag even existed Unanimity in parliament. The opposition is largely reluctant to criticize these days. “Of course, we will criticize the government if necessary. But cooperation is important at the moment, ”said Green Party leader Katrin Göring-Eckardt taz. Even the notoriously disputed GroKo parties are in harmony.

It is all the more remarkable that the shreds flew on Sunday at the highest government level. In the Coordination between federal and state governments The prime ministers of the two largest federal states are said to have agreed on uniform measures to contain the corona virus, Armin Laschet (CDU, NRW) and Markus Söder (CSU, Bavaria) got caught in the hair. The chancellor had to arbitrate. Laschet and Söder looked pissed off at their subsequent appearances. Laschet at his press conference, Söder on TV with “Anne Will”.

Do you believe a report from image, then party insiders suspect a kind of ego war behind the Zoff: the will to profile in the crisis. And just in the trickiest phase of virus control. But finally are CDU chair and the Union chancellor candidacy is still vacant.

Corona crisis: Union back in dispute mode? Reports of internal allegations against Söder, Laschet, Merkel

The tabloid writes online that confidants Söders speculated about rather unfair motives in the debate about Laschet “No contact” and “Exit restriction“. The North Rhine-Westphalian father is probably more about his personal ambitions in the fight for the CDU presidency than it is about Corona and the containment of the virus, is it[calledInadditionLaschetis”alwayslaggingbehind”inthestrugglewiththecoronacrisisand”didn’tmakeanysuggestions”evenonSunday

There are allegations from the same circles close to Söder image but also against Chancellor Merkel. The head of government, together with Laschet, recently suggested that you wait ten or twelve days.

A point of view that one acknowledges in CSU top circles with “undisguised shaking of the head” can be read. And that, in turn, is an anonymous criticism with value for the self-portrayal of the CSU: According to surveys, Söder had recently scored with a determined demeanor among voters. Laschet sees his chance according to the general reading rather in the motto “measure and middle” to get behind those who do not want a polarizer at the top of the CDU.

Corona crisis: dispute over measures against the virus – what drives Markus Söder?

Tips are also brought to Söder’s address. The CSU chief acted out of concern for the country to save lives – “and to prove his own energy in the Power struggle for the next chancellor candidatequotes the picture Union sources. In the ranks of the Christian Democrats, only Laschet had so far understood that Söder was not just about protecting the population.

Allegations that in the middle of the coronavirus crisis, despite all the restrictions, are almost honor-bearing. Neither the mood in the Union parties, nor the motivation of Söder and Laschet is documented. It is only clear that Söder denies ambitions for the Chancellery at every opportunity – and on the other hand urgently wants to use the influence of the CSU in the election of candidates. And that slowly the political intrigue in


comes back to life. The corresponding reports alone are an indication of this.

Markus Söder will provide information on Tuesday at 12.30 p.m. in your press conference on the Corona stand in Bavaria.

Corona contact ban for Germany: Merkel, Laschet and Söder divide opinions – look in the press

Prime Ministers conference meets federal government

© dpa / Bernd von Jutrczenka

Update from March 23, 3:50 p.m .: Germany has had a top-of-the-line protective package against the spread of the corona virus since Sunday evening – the magic word is “contact ban”. However, the whole of Germany is not on the same road. Bavaria in particular has given up its exit restriction strategy.

Whether one of the systems has clear advantages, whether both represent the appropriate solution to the specific situation, which political signal is the more sensible … Germany is now arguing. A look in the press shows that there are many possible positions.

For example, the Cologne city scoreboard Party for North Rhine-Westphalia’s chief Armin Laschet: “The heads of government have resisted the temptation to give in to pressure from Bavarian colleague Markus Söder”, the paper judges. The jointly decided ban on contact is “the right step”, a curfew “no panacea for the virus”.

Completely different sees the location of Munich’s Mercury*. “It’s great that Germany is gradually agreeing on a unified approach. However, the region with the greatest need, not the one with the greatest serenity, must set the pace, ”writes the newspaper. “In particular, NRW regent Armin Laschet interprets something wrong: federalism does not mean waiting until the slowest has got it.”

The Straubinger Tagblatt from Lower Bavaria welcomes the development. Both the nationwide agreement in principle, as well as the advance of Bavaria. “At least the state has so far proven to be able to act in this unprecedented crisis. There is a lot to criticize about German small-scale government, for example in the field of education. But in the current crisis, wise federalism can even bring advantages. If Bavaria If, for example, it went even further with its initial restrictions, this only increased the pressure on other federal states to follow suit with consistent measures. “

The Bonn man General indicator sees a common concept in the fight against the corona crisis as a great achievement and also a goal-oriented achievement. The sheet considers Bavarian going it alone with implicit criticism. “Each federal state has its own specific regional conditions. Some of them are on the borders with other countries, some are area countries and others are cities with millions. But none of this justified that each federal state is of the opinion to issue its own rules for exit restrictions and shop closures, ”it says. “16 countries, 16 concepts – that couldn’t be.”

Corona contact ban for Germany: Chancellor explains solution – But before that, the crisis summit escalated

Update from 6.55 p.m .: Dear readers, a note on our own behalf: Due to a technical problem, updates to our articles have not been displayed on our website in the past 45 minutes. The difficulties have now been resolved. We ask for your understanding.

Update from 6.20 p.m .: Markus Söder probably does not intend to change the rules on containment Corona virus* to implement. As the German press agency learned from the Bavarian State Chancellery, Bavaria the new collection ban for more than Two people don’t take over. For the time being, the “Bavarian regulation” will remain in the Free State, according to which only people from the same household are allowed to take to the streets together.

Update from 5:51 p.m .: The dispute between Armin Laschet and Markus Söder the Chancellor does not comment heavily. “There was a lively discussion,” she said of the disagreement between the two prime ministers.

Update from 5.50 p.m .: In conclusion, Merkel affirmed, “none of us wished to ever have to come before the citizens with such regulations.” It was “not just any recommendations, they are rules “.

One last appeal the Chancellor also has ready. “Please pull everyone along. Do what is right for our country now. Show it Reason and heart. “Especially the many helpers are now owed their efforts in the crisis. “I am convinced that this ‘we stand for each other’ will carry us through this difficult time,” said Merkel.

Update from 5.48 p.m .: “Groups of people celebrating are unacceptable given the serious situation. Violations are monitored and sanctioned, ”the Chancellor warns the population.

The measures adopted today are intended to be valid for at least two weeks have and are valid until April 5th. Merkel believes that a nationwide regulation is essential, because “everyone knows what he is up to”.

Update from 5.45 p.m .: “Citizens are encouraged to reduce contacts to an absolutely necessary minimum.” The public should also keep a minimum distance of 1.5 to 2 meters.

“If possible, staying in public space should only be done alone or with another person who is not living in the household,” said Merkel. The exceptions to the exit that have existed so far still apply.

“Groups of people celebrating are unacceptable given the serious situation. Violations are monitored and sanctioned, ”the Chancellor warns the population. Restaurants are now closed across Germany, but deliveries and pickups are still permitted.

Update from 5.40 p.m .: “I know that everyone must make sacrifices on business and on a human level,” said the Chancellor regarding the new restrictions. “So dynamic the virus is like that flexible we have to react. ”Now one had to“ extend the guidelines for behavior, freedom of movement and mobility ”.

The nationwide The Chancellor explained the solution in detail. “We make sure that the whole of Germany in principle same rules be valid. Everyone should know that the federal government, the federal states and the municipalities are working towards a major, vital goal. ”

Update from 5:37 p.m .: “We are all aware of the seriousness,” Merkel said at the press conference. Now it has to be observed “how antidotes work”.

Merkel recalls that the federal and state governments agreed on Monday to reflect on the situation at the weekend. “Today on Sunday we find out in Germany: Our cities look completely different than a week ago.” Merkel states, “The majority of the population realizes that everyone is important now.”

Update from 5:33 p.m .: Entered with a slight delay Angela Merkel now the podium. The Chancellor will now provide further details on the nationwide solution No contact submit.

Update from 5.25pm: Chancellor Angela Merkel will make a comprehensive statement at 5:30 p.m. on the new regulations and the ban on contact. Armin Laschet, Prime Minister of North Rhine-Westphalia had already announced the new ban on contacts, which prohibits meetings of two people.

Update from 3.49 p.m.: Federal and state governments want a kind No contact resolve in the fight against corona crisis. Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) and the Prime Ministers of the countries agreed on information from the dpa in their common telephone switch, to fundamentally forbidding gatherings of more than two people. To be exempted Familys as well as in one household living people.

Corona curfew? Laschet starts at Söder

Update from 3:11 p.m.: Escalation at Corona crisis summit: According to information from Image de bounced Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) in the debate with Armin Laschet (CDU), Prime Minister of NRW, together.

Accordingly presented Laschet a paper on the corona crisis, which he wanted to adopt together with eleven other prime ministers – and attacked Söder, who was responsible for the Rushing ahead of Bavaria* in the question of Exit restrictions has already been criticized by various parties. According to the report, Söder subsequently threatened to shut down the crisis conference call leave.

Researchers demand a curfew from Merkel – decisive telco begins

Update 2:39 p.m.: Government spokesman Steffen Seibert according to want Chancellor Merkel and the country heads this Sunday afternoon are carrying out a “very serious, relentless analysis of the situation” of the past few days. Whether it further restrictions for citizens should give, especially from their Behavior this weekend be made dependent.

Update from 2:03 p.m .: Several states have already tightened exit restrictions. Are they also complied with? Before the Prime Minister’s discussions with the Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) report: Yes, they are largely complied with.

The conference call in the afternoon is mainly about whether there are nationwide rules for the exit during the Corona crisis will give. It is expected that Merkel will move around afterwards 5:30 p.m. makes a statement in the Chancellery.

Corona virus curfew in Germany: researchers call for shutdown

Statement of origin from March 22nd
: Berlin – Will there be nationwide curfews? That is the big question before telephone conference, which the Federal Government will hold with the Prime Ministers of the federal states this Sunday from 2 p.m. to discuss further measures in the corona crisis *. There is talk of the “Day of Decision”.

In addition to Merkel, the ministers most important for the fight against the spread and the consequences of the coronavirus also take part. In the round, vice chancellors and finance ministers Olaf Scholz (SPD), Home Secretary Horst Seehofer (CSU), Foreign Minister Heiko Maas (SPD), Minister of Health Jens Spahn (CDU) and Secretary of Defense Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer (CDU) his.

Corona curfew in Germany: researchers demand Merkel shutdown – “Day of Decision”

At least a “Germany-wide temporary shutdown” for three weeks recommend scientist a working group of the National Leopoldina Academy. Among them is the Berlin virologist Christian Drosten. This measure is advisable, because otherwise Healthcare system could be overloaded. To this Shut down For the group, there are also “nationwide stringent exit restrictions”.

Angela Merkel (CDU) and Horst Seehofer (CSU) advise on exit restrictions in the corona crisis.

© dpa / Sonja Wurtscheid

Curfews and Exit restrictions are not the same thing – there are differences. There is still no legal basis for a curfew in Germany, as a high-ranking lawyer told Merkur.de *. Drosten recently said on the Maybrit Illner (ZDF) talk that no one Curfew wool. Nevertheless, he makes it clear that if everyone does not pull themselves together, they will probably come.

In their letter, the scientists further explain that after these three weeks, “the situation must be re-evaluated”. However, despite initial restrictions, “necessary and health-preserving activities should continue to be possible.” People should continue to go to work, be able to go to the doctor, make necessary purchases and go for walks in close circles.

Corona virus meeting on curfews: Merkel the day before in the supermarket

Some states – especially Bavaria* – have already tightened their regulations. Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) hopes that the federal states will act together. “Some of them followed suit yesterday,” he had said on Saturday morning to the radio station Antenne Bayern. There were criticisms from the SPD, FDP and Greens about the advance of Bavaria regarding exit restrictions.

It was unclear how long Merkel’s discussions with the heads of state would last. Should there be concrete decisions, these could be announced in a paper similarly to what would otherwise be the case after deliberations by the Prime Ministers’ Conference.

How Bild.de was reported Merkel late Saturday afternoon in one Supermarket in Berlin: “She filled the shopping cart herself, she put the goods (including morello cherries, soap, toilet paper) on the conveyor belt of cash desk 1 – and paid with a card,” the portal writes.

Seehofer on Corona protective measures: “Risk thousands of deaths”

Federal Minister of the Interior Horst Seehofer (CSU) warned, meanwhile, that Corona protective measures to be strictly observed. “Anyone who behaves unreasonably and therefore roughly ruthlessly risks Thousands dead. We are determined to prevent that, ”said Seehofer the Welt am Sonntag.

Foreign minister Heiko Maas (SPD) meanwhile expressed restraint about one general curfew in Germany. “I am convinced that the vast majority of citizens take the situation very seriously. You act responsibly and show solidarity, ”he told the newspapers Funke media group. “That is the large majority, invisible on the streets. But this weekend it is particularly important that everyone accepts the restrictions so that they can work. ”This is continuously assessed and action can be adjusted. “We do what is effective and what is necessary.”

dpa / frs

*Merkur.de is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network

The corona crisis affects the whole world. Germany is one of the most affected countries. However, the situation in eastern Germany is not as bad as in the west.

Angela Merkel quarantines herself. The Chancellor had contact with a doctor who had tested positive.

List of rubric lists: © dpa / Guido Kirchner

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