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Corona case numbers in Hesse (May 24, 2021): RKI reports new infections – incidence 74.1

The corona numbers in Hessen are very different depending on the region: While the incidence of new infections is falling in many places, it is increasing significantly in some places.

  • The Corona * situation in Hesse is easing somewhat: the incidence is falling slightly.
  • The RKI published current case numbers for Hesse on Pentecost Sunday.
  • Four districts and cities in Hessen * have an incidence value above 100, the others are in some cases far below.

Update from Monday, May 24th, 2021, 4 p.m .: The corona incidence in Hesse also fell slightly on Whit Monday. This is shown by the current figures from the Hessian Ministry of Social Affairs. According to this, 175 new infections were recorded, the 7-day incidence is 74.1 and thus again lower than the previous day.

The front runner in Hesse is still the district of Waldeck-Frankenberg with 139.4 (previous day: 141.3) and the city of Wiesbaden with 126.0 (previous day: 122.8), but here too the numbers are slowly falling. At 71.9 (previous day: 72.2), Frankfurt is just above the Hessen average, but well below the important 100 mark.

Due to the low incidence, it is allowed to relax in many counties and urban districts. (Symbol image)

© Frank Rumpenhorst / dpa

In addition to Wiesbaden and Waldeck-Frankenberg, the city of Offenbach with an incidence of 103.6 (previous day: 102.9) and the city of Kassel with 113.8 (previous day: 124.2) are above the 100 limit. However, a number of municipalities and districts are below the 50 limit. First and foremost, as usual, the Wetteraukreis with 34.7 (previous day: 34.1), followed by the Darmstadt-Dieburg district with 45.0 (previous day: 46.0), the Main-Taunus district with 49.0 (previous day: 49.0) , 0) and the Hochtaunuskreis with 49.8 (previous day: 49.8).

  • circle Mountain road: 1 new infections, 0 new deaths, 7-day incidence at 55.9.
  • circle Darmstadt-Dieburg: 8 new infections, 0 new deaths, 7-day incidence at 45.0.
  • circle Fulda: 11 new infections, 0 new deaths, 7-day incidence at 86.0.
  • circle to water: 4 new infections, 0 new deaths, 7-day incidence at 56.2.
  • circle Gross-Gerau: 1 new infection, 0 new deaths, 7-day incidence at 91.8.
  • circle Hersfeld-Rotenburg: 0 new infections, 0 new deaths, 7-day incidence at 74.6.
  • Hochtaunuskreis: 3 new infections, 0 new deaths, 7-day incidence at 49.8.
  • circle Kassel: 4 new infections, 0 new deaths, 7-day incidence at 58.3.
  • Lahn-Dill district: 1 new infections, 0 new deaths, 7-day incidence at 73.0.
  • circle Limburg-Weilburg: 1 new infections, 0 new deaths, 7-day incidence in 61.1.
  • Main-Kinzig district: 2 New infections, 0 new deaths, 7-day incidence at 74.0.
  • Main-Taunus-Kreis: 2 new infections, 0 new deaths, 7-day incidence at 49.0.
  • circle Marburg-Biedenkopf: 6 new infections, 0 new deaths, 7-day incidence at 95.1.
  • Odenwaldkreis: 1 new infections, 0 new deaths, 7-day incidence at 69.3.
  • circle Offenbach: 8 new infections, 0 new deaths, 7-day incidence at 67.5.
  • Rheingau-Taunus district: 5 new infections, 0 new deaths, 7-day incidence in 72.1.
  • Schwalm-Eder district: 3 new infections, 0 new deaths, 7-day incidence at 95.2.
  • Vogelsbergkreis: 1 new infections, 0 new deaths, 7-day incidence at 67.2.
  • circle Waldeck-Frankenberg: 34 new infections, 0 new deaths, 7-day incidence in 139,4.
  • Werra-Meißner district: 2 new infections, 0 new deaths, 7-day incidence at 90.4.
  • Wetteraukreis: 3 new infections, 0 new deaths, 7-day incidence at 34.7.
  • city Darmstadt: 7 new infections, 0 new deaths, 7-day incidence at 69.4.
  • city Frankfurt: 31 new infections, 0 new deaths, 7-day incidence at 71.9.
  • city Kassel: 4 new infections, 1 new death, 7-day incidence at 113.8.
  • city Offenbach: 4 new infections, 0 new deaths, 7-day incidence at 103.6.
  • city Wiesbaden: 21 new infections, 0 new deaths, 7-day incidence at 126.0.
  • Total: 175 new infections, 2 deaths, 7-day incidence in 74.1.
  • Source: Hessian Ministry of Social Affairs | As of: May 24th, 2021, midnight | Notes: Time and again, due to delays in reporting, the Ministry of Social Affairs publishes different figures than the districts and cities. The data from the local health authorities are generally more up-to-date. Negative case numbers can be traced back to false positive corona rapid tests. * Due to technical difficulties, the Giessen Health Department was unable to transmit any data.

First report from Monday, May 24th, 2021: Frankfurt – The Robert Koch Institute has announced the current number of corona cases. Accordingly, 175 new infections were reported to the RKI by the Hessian health authorities. There were a total of 2682 new corona infections nationwide.* The data comes from a Dashboard of the institute.

The 7-day incidence on Monday (May 24th, 2021) in Hesse was 74.1. The incidence value thus falls again.

Corona in Hessen: RKI reports new infections on Whit Monday

On Sunday it was 75.4. Two new deaths related to a corona infection were reported to the RKI.

The Robert Koch Institute has reported 2682 new infections in Germany. 175 of them come from Hessen. (Screenshot)

© Robert Koch Institute / RKI

Hessian hotspot is and remains the Waldeck-Frankenberg district* with a slightly decreasing incidence of 139.4 – previous day: 141.3. The second highest incidence value is in the state capital of Hesse, the city of Wiesbaden: 126.0. In the Wetterau district* On the other hand, this value is lowest at 34.7, but increases slightly – previous day: 34.1.

Altogether there are three more districts – Hochtaunuskreis, Main-Taunus-Kreis and Kreis Darmstadt-Dieburg – under the incidence mark 50. Regarding the number of cases on Monday (May 24th, 2021), the RKI published a note: “Due to the public holiday on May 24th, 2021 When interpreting the number of cases, it should be noted that fewer people see a doctor on public holidays and bridge days, which means that fewer samples are taken and fewer laboratory tests are performed. This means that fewer pathogens are reported to the responsible health authorities. ”An overview of the number of cases over the past few days. (do) * fnp.de, fr.de, wetterauer-zeitung.de and hna.de are offers from IPPEN.MEDIA.

Headline list image: © Frank Rumpenhorst / dpa

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