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Corona can give rib deficiency | ABC News

– If the borders to Sweden are still closed towards Christmas, there could be too little ribs , says Executive Vice President Leif Malvin Knutsen in the Fatland group to The online newspaper.

People who live on the Norwegian side of the Swedish border like to shop for Christmas ribs in Sweden. But that could be a problem this year.

– We must take that uncertainty into account. There will not be enough ribs to cover the need towards Christmas if no measures are taken, such as increasing quotas for imports, explains Knutsen, who believes the undercoverage can quickly become around 1,500 tonnes.

Last year, it became difficult to obtain enough fresh, Norwegian ribs in relation to demand, so 300 tonnes were imported from abroad, according to NRK.

Sales of ribs and other pork before Christmas 2019 meant that at the end of the year there was less pork in the regulatory stocks than in several years. The stock was down to 700 tonnes – the lowest level in almost two years, according to Nortura.

However, Nortura believes that the quotas for imports are already high enough, and that it will not be a problem for Norwegians to buy ribs for Christmas dinner.

– There will be no shortage of ribs. The industry already has access to large import quotas – both whole pigs and fresh ribs, says director Ole Nikolai Skulberg in Totalmarked in Nortura.

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