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Corona / ARD: Linda Zervakis in quarantine: will we see her soon at the news show?

The coronavirus crisis also affects the lives of celebrities and TV stars. A Tagesschau spokeswoman stays at home and keeps an Instagram diary.

  • Linda Zervakis will initially no longer be shown on the TV screens.
  • about Instagram clarifies the Tagesschau spokeswoman their fans about it – it has something to do with that Corona virus* to do.
  • The TV celebrities introduces to their account Quarantine diary.

Update from March 21: Linda Zervakis has been in for a few days now domestic isolation. At Instagram holds the Tagesschau spokeswoman her fans up to date: on the sixth day, the 45-year-old reports a “new problem” and refers an accusation to the realm of fables.

In one Video Zervakis first thanks for the encouragement of the fans. The quarantine is “pretty good on the substance”, but it wants to make it clear that it has no burnout, “as some newspapers have texted”. It is strange and sad that things are going this way “to somehow get a turn on the Corona crisis”.

Tagesschau spokeswoman Zervakis: “I can’t make up myself”

After Zervakis had described the seriousness of the situation at the broadcaster ARD, she asked for solutions to a “new problem”. Zervakis said that she could possibly go back to work the week after next and that she would have to be put on makeup “in a very small space” again. When asked how to solve this, she was told that moderators could also make up themselves.

Laughing, she then said that she couldn’t do it at all and asked the outside world if anyone could recommend a “special YouTube tutorial”. User comments were not long in coming. “Stand in front of the camera without makeup, look good, maybe you will set a new trend,” was one answer. “Just stay that way,” advised another user. “You don’t need it! If I had skin like that, I would have no make-up on it, ”wrote another.

Who knows, maybe we’ll see Linda Zervakis in the next day’s show with no makeup.

Linda Zervakis in quarantine: “F *** you Corona”

Update from March 19: Tagesschau spokeswoman Linda Zervakis seems to suffer a lot because she can no longer go to work. she was near Tirol and is now following the Federal Government’s recommendation, one 14-day quarantine to adhere to.

But now it is Bunker not far away. The 45-year-old shares her isolation with her followers via an Instagram diary. Day two already made her forget. Wrongly read the recipe, botched the meatballs. “I can not do it“She complains after trying to cook.

Video: What does quarantine mean for those affected?

Corona quarantine, day four: Linda Zervakis ends Instagram diary

Now, on day four, The ARD woman ends her diary project apparently out of pure frustration. “I want to be honest with you. I fooled you“, She begins the entry, which she garnishes with a photo that she collapsed over a stack of memory cards shows. The children, the household, too much for the journalist to add nice internet clips to produce.

Check out this post on Instagram

Quarantine diary 4th – 14th day. I want to be honest with you. I fooled you. The truth of the quarantine looks like this. The day starts at 6:30 am because the kids are awake. Since today we have received the school material, which our school really organized in a fantastic way. The days of Fu and Uta are definitely over. Probably better that way. And it’s great that there are cool learning apps that kids love to work with. But, somehow, I spent the whole morning understanding everything. In between, hunger, thirst, vase broke, chocolate stepped on the carpet, cleared up spum, etc. I know that many do that every day. I just want to say that I take my hat off to all couples who have to do both home offices and have children. I just don’t make videos every day. Pardon me. Follows young, fresh influencers who look good even in times of crisis and change their diet. My evening has gone. Memoryless. #fuckyoucorona #however, stick together # togetherindevitable #quarantine #flattenthecurve #peace #memoryloser

A post shared by Linda Zervakis (@lindazervakis) on Mar 18, 2020 at 2:03 pdt

“In between hunger, thirst, vase broke, chocolate kicked in the carpet, clearing up spum etc. I know that a lot of people do this every day. I just want to say I take off your hat especially for couples who have to do both home offices and have children. I just can’t make videos every day, ”she complains of her suffering and has a recommendation:“ Follow young, fresh influencerswho look good even in times of crisis and change their diet. My evening has gone. “

Camp fright and frustration: Linda Zervakis complains about the corona virus

After four days So Linda Zervakis completely done. The quarantine is simply too much for the moderator. Whoever is to blame is clear and so she scolds “F *** you Corona“With the right hashtag.

Because of Corona: Popular Tagesschau woman no longer seen on TV

First report from March 15th: Hamburg – “Good evening, ladies and gentlemen! I welcome you to a special edition of myself ”- with these words Tagesschau spokeswoman begins Linda Zervakis (45) a video on her Instagram page*.

Tagesschau spokeswoman Zervakis films herself at home – it’s about coronavirus risk

But even if the welcome words sound familiar at first, the situation is anything but normal. Zervakis is not in the ARD studio, but films himself from home in the living room. “It’s a crazy time,” says Linda Zervakis atypically for the otherwise serious news anchor. Then she jokes about the fact that she may soon be broadcasting from her own living room to the audience living room via home office.

An ARD commentary now calls for quick help for the economy.

Coronavirus risk: Linda Zervakis was in Austria – now the Tagesschau spokeswoman stays at home

The background of the clip: Zervakis comes from Austria – although she was only in the “vicinity of Tyrol”, she wanted to follow the recommendation from Federal Minister of Health Jens Spahn hold. Spahn had asked all returnees from Austria to stay home for 14 days as a precaution. The news anchor wants to comply because she “does not want to endanger her colleagues”.

Meanwhile, a corona satire by ARD and ZDF has angered users online. The new, completely insane, Coronavirus Challenge should do the same.

Instagram video: In the end, Linda Zervakis says goodbye as you know her from the daily news

Otherwise, like so many, Zervakis currently has trouble understanding the suddenly changed situation: “Can someone find the switch again that everything is the same as before?” She asks ironically in her Instagram video.

Otherwise, it refers to the daily News and the NDR podcast from Virologist Christian Drosten* as sources of information and wishes everyone to stay healthy. In the end it closes as Zervakis knows from the Tagesschau: “The weather forecast for tomorrow Monday, March 16 …” After all, a little bit of normality is also good these days.

Tom Hanks and his wife are also in a 14-day quarantine. Unlike Zervakis, the Hollywood star even got positive Covid-19 * tested. Moderator Johannes B. Kerner also tested positive for the corona virus. Pop star Robbie Williams is “only” in domestic quarantine. Just like Prince Harry and his wife Meghan in Canada. In large parts of Germany, schools and daycare centers will close on Monday. Some TV channels such as Kika are now drawing conclusions.

In order to prevent the further spread of the corona virus, the health ministry organized a new campaign with numerous stars. Together they want to spread this important message.

In the corona crisis, Oliver Pocher named the king of idiocy.

Boris Becker addressed hauntingly words to his fellow human beings on Instagram.

*Merkur.de and tz.de are part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network

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