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Corona: Another case in the Bad Tölz-Wolfratshausen district

The first corona case in the Bad Tölz-Wolfratshausen district was announced on Wednesday afternoon. In the evening there was already the second case.

  • There are the first two coronaCases in Bad Toelz-Wolfratshausen
  • The first patient is an approximately 50-year-old man who is infected during a stay abroad
  • A 51-year-old man was also tested positively.

Update, March 11, 5:28 p.m .:

After the first positive test result for a man of around 50, another person in the Bad Tölz-Wolfratshausen district was tested positive for the corona virus in the meantime.

According to the district office, the 51-year-old has mild flu symptoms and has already been in quarantine at home. There are no contacts other than his family. His family is currently being tested and is also under domestic quarantine until further notice.

The man had contracted the virus at his workplace outside the county.

The original message from 1pm

Bad Tölz-Wolfratshausen – It was only a matter of time: In the district of Bad Tölz-Wolfratshausen, the coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) was detected on March 11, 2020 in a little over 50-year-old. According to the district office, the patient currently shows no symptoms and remains in home quarantine.

Coronivirus Bad Tölz: Affected person contracted infection during a stay abroad

The man, who was living alone, was infected during a stay abroad and had been informed during the trip home that he had had contact with an infected person. The man was exemplary. He put himself directly into quarantine so that he had no contact with another person from the time of departure – not even in the Bad Tölz-Wolfratshausen district.

District Administrator Bad Tölz on the corona virus: “However, we are well prepared”

Considering the first case, District Administrator Josef Niedermaier said: “We have been spared for a long time, but after the immense increase in cases in the past few days, it was only a matter of time before the virus reached our district. However, we are well prepared and act carefully. ”

Dr. Stephan Gebrande, head of the health department, as in previous days, calls on people to pay particular attention to hand, cough and sneeze hygiene.

The so-called containment strategy is currently being pursued. This means that the public health service aims to detect individual infections as early as possible and thereby prevent the virus from spreading as far as possible. However, the focus is now also on protecting people in particular who are at risk of serious illnesses.

The risk of an illness that takes a more severe course increases from 50 to 60 years with increasing age. Underlying diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, diseases of the respiratory system, the liver and kidneys as well as cancer can also lead to a severe course. There is also an increased risk for patients with suppressed immune systems. In contrast, according to current knowledge, under 20-year-olds with only 2.4 percent share of the detected infected are hardly affected. “Pregnant women do not seem to have an increased risk of illness,” said the district office.

Members of the risk groups should avoid contacts

But especially for people who belong to the risk groups, the health authority recommends “taking further measures to reduce contacts”. Anyone who has symptoms should contact the doctor’s office quickly – but first by phone – especially if corona cases become known in private or professional surroundings.

Above all, it is important that sick people or people who come from high-risk areas such as Italy or who have had contact with safely diagnosed corona cases avoid people for whom infection can be dangerous for at least 14 days. “Here I can only appeal to the responsibility and solidarity of each individual,” says Niedermaier.

View of the surrounding counties

In the neighboring counties, the number of cases is also still low. There are two patients in Garmisch-Partenkirchen and six in Miesbach. Three cases were confirmed in Weilheim-Schongau. The illness of an 80-year-old has taken such a difficult course therethat he needs intensive medical care. 18 cases are recorded in the district of Starnberg. However, this also includes the first cases that occurred at the local auto parts supplier in January. According to the Robert Koch Institute, there are currently 314 Corona cases in Bavaria as of Tuesday evening

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