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Corona and drinking water … important information from global health

Source: Dubai-Arabia.net

While still many new information surfacing, with Advancing research and consolidating scientists’ knowledge of the emerging virus Which affected 20 million people around the world, and is still continuing to expand, some scientists who found traces of Corona in sewage water, asked several questions about the epidemic and the possibility of infection transmission through water, whether stained or dent.

Commenting on the topic, the World Health Organization, which had harsh statements in recent days about the pandemic, explained some misinformation on that point.

In an article published on its official website, the organization stated that “there is no indication that the virus that causes Covid 19 can persist in drinking water, which reassures millions around the world of the possibility of transmission through water.”

She also indicated that although some studies found fragments of RNA in wastewater, they showed that they were not due to the infectious virus.

Several studies had previously indicated that remnants of the virus appeared in wastewater, and several studies indicated the possibility of tracking the virus through this method.

It is noteworthy that the virus has recorded an explosive increase in recent weeks, amid several warnings from the UN.

Two days ago, the world organization reported that the coronavirus sweeping the world did not show seasonal patterns and will return again if medical authorities give up their pressure to resist it.

Doctor Mark Ryan, head of WHO’s emergency program, said western Europe and other regions must quickly deal with the new waves of outbreaks.

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