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Corona and colds cause a flood of sick reports

Potsdam. Just in time for the beginning of autumn, the doctor’s practices in Brandenburg are well filled. As the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) announced, 1.8 percent of the population went to the doctor with a respiratory disease last week.

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This means that almost one in fifty people is currently suffering from a cough or runny nose. Over the last four weeks, the number of doctor visits has increased steadily. Last week alone, 46,000 people with colds sat in Brandenburg’s waiting rooms.

“The rush in the practices is still manageable, but it has increased significantly since school started at the beginning of September.”

Antje Meinecke

Brandenburg General Practitioners Association

Antje Meinecke also confirms that the practices are well utilized. She is a general practitioner in Potsdam and represents the Brandenburg Family Doctors Association. Meinecke states: “The rush in the practices is still manageable, but it has increased significantly since school started at the beginning of September.”

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Most people come to her practice with fever, cough or headache. She also regularly diagnoses diarrheal diseases. However, the doctor most often diagnoses viral diseases. These mainly include the so-called rhinoviruses, i.e. the classic cold viruses. In addition, there is currently an unusual increase in pneumonia in Brandenburg, which is caused by the bacterium Mycoplasma.

Corona numbers are rising again in Brandenburg

Viral diseases also include the flu and coronavirus. The corona numbers in Brandenburg have been rising slowly but steadily since June. They are now at a similarly high level as in the same period last year. According to the state health office, 247 people in Brandenburg are currently suffering from Covid-19. In the south of Brandenburg, more people are carrying the coronavirus. With 28 official cases, most people in the Oder-Spree district are affected.

The new Corona variant XEC is becoming more and more assertive. It displaces other previously existing virus forms. The symptoms are described as mild. These include cough, runny nose, fatigue, headache and fever. Severe cases are rare in healthy people.

Vaccination recommendations have not changed

As before, the Standing Vaccination Commission (STIKO) only recommends a booster vaccination against Covid-19 for people aged 60 and over and those with underlying illnesses. But people who work in the medical or nursing sector, have close contact with high-risk people or live in a nursing home should also get vaccinated. The vaccination offers a high level of protection against serious illnesses such as pneumonia, emergency ventilation and death.

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There are currently few flu viruses in circulation

But family doctors can also vaccinate against flu viruses. Traditionally, the vaccination season against flu now begins in autumn, says the Ministry of Health in Brandenburg. The flu wave usually only hits people after the end of the year. Anyone who gets vaccinated now will be protected during the peak flu phase.

As with Corona, flu protection is recommended for people with risk factors. However, people who deal with extensive public traffic are also addressed; i.e. bus drivers, people in retail and pregnant women. The health authorities in Brandenburg currently do not have any significant numbers of flu cases.

The Potsdam doctor Meinecke continues to appeal to the usual hygiene measures: “Wash your hands regularly, sneeze into the crook of your elbow and avoid public spaces if you are sick.” However, if you have a severe cough or shortness of breath, those who are sick should consult a doctor immediately. Then it doesn’t matter how full the waiting room is.


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