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Corona: 2,000 pre-vaccinators at the Hamburg vaccination center per week | NDR.de – news

Status: 11.05.2021 3:48 p.m.

The advantages for those who have already been vaccinated and the vaccine envy are causing more and more people to push their way through the vaccination sequence at the Hamburg vaccination center. This is now shown by research by the ARD political magazine “Report Mainz”.

Vaccinated in the summer vacation – this is probably the desire of many people. The vaccination centers are probably getting more and more problems with so-called vaccination precursors – also here in Hamburg. The ARD political magazine Report Mainz asked the vaccination centers in Germany. The result: the vaccination center in the Hamburg exhibition halls alone had to do with around 2,000 people in the penultimate week.

“The mood is getting more aggressive”

The numbers were similarly high last week. Martin Helfrich, spokesman for the Hamburg social welfare authority, explained to the editorial team of “Report Mainz”: “The mood is becoming more aggressive. Some people are very clear that they are not authorized and still try to get vaccinated.”

AUDIO: Vaccine pusher at the Hamburg vaccination center (1 min)

According to this, it is popular to falsely pretend to be the contact person for someone in need of care or for pregnant women. However, there are probably misunderstandings because new groups are constantly being called on to vaccinate and there are often new rules. It is also quite common for employees to believe they are eligible for vaccination because they have a certificate from their employer. This certificate only serves to prove that you are employed in the company.

The call for punishment is growing

As a reaction, penalties are now being demanded for people pushing ahead: “Thousands are caught, but there are no sanctions,” said the board of directors of the German Foundation for Patient Protection, Eugen Brysch, of the German press agency. “To push ahead with vaccination is still not an administrative offense.” The Hamburg Senate spokesman Marcel Schweitzer described the pushing ahead when vaccinating as an “annoyance factor”. But he also pointed out that the vaccination sequence should be canceled soon – at the end of May or beginning of June.

additional Information

Four people stand in front of a screen.  © NDR

More and more people can get vaccinated against the corona virus. At NDR.de there is information about this in different languages. more

The entrance to the corona vaccination center of the Harburg General Hospital.  In five hospitals in Hamburg, a decentralized corona vaccination will be offered from Monday, initially for people over 70 years of age.  © picture alliance / dpa |  Markus Scholz Photo: Markus Scholz

In addition to the vaccination center and general practitioners’ practices, five Hamburg hospitals will be offering vaccination appointments from Monday. more

Many people stand in a long line in front of the Hamburg vaccination center.

Because of a mishap when making appointments, around a thousand people came to the Hamburg vaccination center too early on Saturday. more

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NDR 90.3 | NDR 90.3 Current | 11.05.2021 | 13:00

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