After the opening of the trading session the Corn it is paid to $ 17,650, which represents a slight change of 0.11% compared to the previous session.
If we compare the figure with past days, with this data it cuts the streak that it had in the two previous days. The volatility of the last seven days is 18.52%, which is a lower figure than the annual volatility data (25.65%), so we can say that it is going through a period of greater stability in recent dates.
If we consider the data from the last week, the Corn registers a decrease in 1,45% although, on the contrary, for a year it has still maintained a rise in the 87,97%.
To conclude, this value is close to that of January 14, when it reached annual highs with a figure of $ 18,200.
International Corn Values
Expanding the financial information of this asset, at the international level the current price of the Corn in Chicago it stands at $ 360.50 per ton, according to the latest data as of February 14.
Regarding future values, in the current month their price reaches the 212.10 dollars in Chicago and in 206.69 dollars in the next month. In the same way, corn futures in Argentina are at 203,3 pesos this month.
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