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Corinna Larsen, who is Juan Carlos’s lover and how she met the king

Galeotto was the Duke of Westminster. And already because it seems that the spark between kings Juan Carlos and the blonde Corinna Larsen, both taken in a vast and aristocratic hunting estate, attributable to the Duke of Westminster. After all, not the first time that history has played with the pawns of the European aristocracy in Iberian land. In Madrid, the most nostalgic monarchists still remember the legendary beauty of Ena, the queen beautiful, beautiful, fascinating that had been Vittoria Eugenia of Battemberg, born in Balmoral in Scotland and landed at the court of the Bourbons in Madrid, following the logic of the loves decided at a table in the courts of Europe. Queen alongside King Alfonso XIII who lost the crown of Spain in a whirlwind of civil war and dictatorship.


Thus it was thus, in the hunting estate of the Duke of Westminster, that Corinna zu Sayn-Wittgenstein, 39 at the time, met with her eyes as blue as the water of the Mediterranean Sea (another passion of the king) those of Juan Carlos at the sixty-six years old. At the time Corinna still had the surname and title of her second husband, the German prince Casimir zu Sayn-Wittgenstein. In fact, the girl, albeit aristocratic in her bearing, sweet and regal in a word, not born in that European Gotha club from which Queen Sofia arrives, daughter like Juan Carlos of royal lineage in exile, born in 1938 as Juan Carlos, but in Athens by King Paul of Greece and by Federica di Hannover (cousin of Prince Philip of Edinburgh, husband of Elizabeth II).

Bourgeois Christmases

Corinna Larsen was born, the daughter of the Danish Finn Bnnig Larsen, former European director of the Brazilian airline Varig, and of the German Ingrid Sauerland. And according to the Parents Ingrid – not by chance – the code name given in the small circle around the sovereign, the blonde beauty the king fell in love with when he moved to El Pardo, about twenty kilometers from Zarzuela.

School in Geneva

Raised in an international context – she speaks five languages ​​- besides beauty she also has that taste for adventure and experiences outside the home that leads her to study international relations in Geneva (where she grows up and studies most of the aristocratic offspring of blood or money ), and in Marbella on vacation, the beach loved by young hopefuls of the 80s and still today a Spanish tourist destination. And finally in Paris, the Ville Lumire where the girl does not struggle to find work in Boss and Company thanks to her extraordinary ability to weave relationships, contacts. Then he creates the strategic company Apollonia Associates. Until the convict meeting with the king.


From the mid-2000s, Corinna Larsen, now a princess, thus became at home in Madrid. A discreet presence, but consolidated over the years, almost a personal assistant to the king, so close to him that he also seems to be following the organization of the honeymoon trip of the current King Felipe with Letizia. And so much so that already in 2006, Corinna, according to the Spanish press, was received at the Stuttgart airport in Germany with military honors, walking behind the king. In 2012, the bond with Juan Carlos comes to light thanks to a bad accident of the king during a safari in Botswana, which draws the spotlight on the king on holiday in Africa with the blonde escort.

Juan Carlos and Sofia

In parallel, the relationship of Juan Carlos and Sofia, cemented at the origin by the same path of life (childhood and traveling youth, without a kingdom, in search of a destiny until the s in 1962 in Athens with a sumptuous marriage for post-war times , meeting place of 150 members of the European elite), becomes more an official link. Over the years, the emeritus queen has made news instead her low cost flights and her statements taken up in the book by Pilar Urbano, La Reina muy de cerca, in which she expressed herself critically towards extended families, in fact and much more. Forget about his proverbial secrecy in matters of government. While in La soledad de la Reina by Pilar Eyre the solitude of a sovereign resigned to the (many) excesses of her husband comes to the surface. They had a deal to represent the crown, but they led separate lives, Corinna revealed to the BBC in London where she lives. Adding the king’s confidences to his father: He said he was very much in love with me and wanted to marry me.

Money and blue blood

For years resigned to the king’s intimacy with the blonde German Corinna Zu Sayn-Wittgestein, who moved to Madrid, Sofia has projected her energies into the dynamics of the Zarzuela kingdom. But now it’s time for the king and queen emeritus to step aside, notes the diplomat Ranieri Vanni d’Archirafi. The distancing of Felipe from his father who perhaps he will never see again since the sovereign is now 82 years old, and in any case the exile is a very strong human detachment. Galeotto for King Juan Carlos was the passion for a woman, with two husbands behind her, no drop of blue blood and perhaps for this reason animated by the desire to climb the ladder of power and wealth, above all.

21 August 2020 (change August 21, 2020 | 12:48)


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