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Córdoba shields its borders to prevent outbreaks: strict quarantine for those who enter the province

President Alberto Fernández He was forceful in announcing the extension of the strict quarantine: “The AMBA is spreading to the rest of the country.” After these statements and with statistics that confirm it, the province of Córdoba decided “Shield” its borders and impose a 14-day quarantine those who enter the provincial territory.

In addition, the authorities specified that there will be more rigorous controls for truckers entering Córdoba, who will have predetermined places to stop. They may not get off the truck during loading and unloading.

“The truckers, who perhaps do not even know that they have the virus, whoever comes to Córdoba or whoever crosses, have to come and go in what is called a bubble,” said the governor. Juan Schiaretti.

The measures became known after three outbreaks, some still without being able to be contained, originated by workers who arrived from Buenos Aires.

Schiaretti specified that the shielding measures will also be applied to the inhabitants of the province returning from areas of high community circulation. “If a Cordovan leaves, when she returns to the province she also has to quarantine. If there is going to be an exception, it will be individual and it will be decided by the Emergency Operations Center, ”said the president.

At a press conference this Saturday they also announced that a bill will be sent to the Legislature to sanction people who do not wear face masks on the street, do not respect social distancing and who hold family gatherings of more than 10 people. So far they are allowed with that number as a cap.

“There is not a single point in the province where social gatherings are authorized. If family members are authorized, up to 10 people, Because the family knows each other and knows how each one is, and they will take care of themselves if they know that there is a relative at risk. Responsible for there being 10 and no more he owns the house where the meeting is held, “said the governor.

“We are going to fine those who walk around without a mask and a fine for those who hold meetings of more than 10 people, because those who comply with the rules are not the same as those who do not. There are people that they have been sacrificing 100 years ago days for the pandemic to not spread. Because the one that complies with the rules is not the same as the one that does not ”, he concluded.


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