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Corcodus improves memory Click mobile

Do you remember when you were a child, when you could hardly wait for spring to appear, which you ate even unripe? It is interesting to know that crocodile flowers are used to prepare remedies in Bach flower therapy. This type of alternative medicine is said to bring health benefits.

They contain a number of minerals including magnesium and phosphorus. These, say phytotherapists, improve brain activity, the power of concentration and memory. Not everyone consumes them because some are very sour. They are also good for bone health.

Surplus energy

Rich in vitamins, such as vitamin C, but also in those of class B (B1, B2, B3, B6), crocodiles are recommended for avitaminosis. Round green, yellow or red fruits also contain protein, pectin, minerals and citric acid. Among the minerals, in addition to the above, we mention: iron, calcium and potassium. The nutrients in these fruits invigorate you and have a tonic effect. Also, through the multitude of substances they contain, it helps to strengthen the immune system, so the body will be protected from infections and will prevent the appearance of diseases.

Get rid of the extra pounds

Crocodiles contain a number of dietary fiber, have 90% water and few calories, so it is recommended for those who want to lose weight. Either eat them raw or in the form of fresh juice, or in compote, but without sugar. You can also sour soups with crocodile juice. Drink crocodile juice 3 times a day before main meals. Because they do not contain sodium, but have a lot of potassium, crocodiles are an ally against water retention. This juice helps fight constipation and is good for melting fat deposits.

Find out on clicksanatate.ro how you can speed up the healing of superficial wounds with crocodiles!

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