Home » today » News » Cop28, the Pope in a message “With money I will fund wars on hunger and climate” – Il Tempo

Cop28, the Pope in a message “With money I will fund wars on hunger and climate” – Il Tempo

ROME (ITALPRESS) – “The ambition to produce and possess has turned into obsession and resulted in limitless greed, which has made the environment the object of unbridled exploitation. The crazy climate sounds like a warning to stop this delirium of omnipotence. Let us return to recognizing our limitations with humility and courage as the only way to live fully.” This is the message launched by Pope Francis at the COP28 underway in Dubai, read at the plenary session by Secretary of State Pietro Parolin. “Putting the blame on the many poor people and on the number of births is wrong because almost half of the world, the poorest, is responsible for just 10% of polluting emissions, while the gap between the few wealthy and the many disadvantaged has never been greater abysmal – adds the Pontiff -. These are actually the victims of what is happening: let’s think of the indigenous populations, of deforestation, of the drama of hunger, of water and food insecurity, of induced migratory flows.” “With the money used in wars we are creating a global fund to finally eliminate hunger and carry out activities that promote the sustainable development of the poorest countries, combating climate change”.(ITALPRESS).

Photo: Fotogramma Agency

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