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Cooperative La Crémerie Confirmed to Buy Civic Square with Members’ Support

This decision was confirmed at the cooperative’s annual general meeting on Saturday.

No surprise the choice of members. They had already given us the mandate two years ago to buy the civic squaresays the president of the Cooperative, Jonathan Boisvert.

In order to materialize its approach, the Cooperative has also received the mandate to create a $50,000 fund to be financed by its members, to enable it to obtain loans within the framework of the project.

The new fund would, according to Mr. Boisvert, replace the initial funding from SHCL, the Canadian mortgage company that had given us money to try to start our business.

But there, it expired, so we’re trying to replace that.

By doing so, the Cooperative is trying to restore his credibilityas stated in its resolution.

While it is true that the question of funding remains an issue, Jonathan Boisvert remains confident for the future, because he is counting on federal government support to create affordable housing.

According to the municipal councilor of Saint-Boniface, who supports the project, the City of Winnipeg would be open to the idea of ​​​​selling the space to La Coopérative

I think things bode well for having a city council that is ready to say yeshe assures.

Since the objective is to see the civic square remain under the control of the Francophone community, the Cooperative La Crémerie intends to meet with the organization the Friends of the Civic Square, the Société de la francophonie manitobaine and Manitoba Possible to jointly submit a plan to the city.

Moreover, Mr. Allard thinks that only a viable project that takes into account the interests of the Francophone community and the interests of Winnipeg can capture the attention of the city council.

In recently withdrawing from negotiations with the City for the sale of the civic square, the board of directors of the organization Manitoba Possible evoked the increase in costs, partly due to the pandemic, to explain its decision.

With information from Anne-Charlotte Carignan

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