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Cool conditions and mostly clear skies, forecast for this Thursday in New York | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

immediately.hope: let’s fly with lilianaoverseas for the reportfull of time.we must keep savingour umbrella or do we have toget the blocker ready forput it in the wallet and goimmediately?liliana: the umbrella is the oneyou have there saved, put it inthe cost because not theyou need at least until the endof week.the blocker must be removed.men sometimes think thatI go out of women parts of theexpensive, especially thepeople who drive, they arestain many arms.temperatures still at thisnight time at 87.today’s temperatures reached90 in new jersey.they’ll stay high fortonight.tomorrow the temperatures in thehigh 70 for new york.in new jersey we couldsee up to 82 as maximum.sensation factor almost 85.still continues beyond theultraviolet rays at level 10.there are some things that cando to protect yourself fromsunlight.creams must be used withsunscreen, it better bebroad spectrum, 30 or greater.repeat the application, it is notjust once and that’s it. Yes thatwalking in the park anddoing your shopping with thechildren, pool, running andexercising, repeat itevery two hours. avoid usingprocessing chambers. the beesalways in the shade.beés always protected fromsol..before noon from 73 to 74.dry conditions, no hopenor do you need the umbrellabecause we don’t have a rushuntil Friday morning.we are monitoring theweather conditions, for

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