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Cooking Oil Rp. 14 Thousand/Liter Unseen, DPR: Totally Failed Policy!


Policy cooking oil one price of Rp. 14,000 per liter has been running for almost two weeks. As of today the policy will be completed.

Member of the House of Representatives Commission VI, Mufti Anam, stated that this policy had failed miserably. This happened because in fact the price of cooking oil of Rp. 14 thousand per liter was not evenly distributed in the field.

“This policy has failed miserably. We are very happy that the Minister of the press conference announced a price of Rp. 14,000 from Papua to Aceh, but that is not the case,” said Mufti in a working meeting with the Minister of Trade, M Lutfi, which was broadcast virtually, Monday (31/1/ 2022).

He said that his party had checked in the field but in fact the price of Rp. 14,000 per liter was not evenly distributed. Even this morning, his party still found the price of cooking oil at Rp. 18,000 per liter.

“If you don’t believe it, just send your team, Mr. Minister, for our minister to go down. Is this Rp. 14,000 per liter on the ground? In fact, let alone yesterday, as of this morning, the big market for cooking oil was Rp. 18,000,” said Mufti.

In fact, in modern retail stores that already sell oil at a price of Rp. 14,000 per liter, the goods are not even available. There is one shop which according to him has experienced a shortage of cooking oil for a week.

Mufti also revealed that there are shops that provide a minimum shopping requirement in order to get cooking oil prices of Rp. 14,000 per liter.

“There are no modern stores, we asked when was the last time they were available? A week ago he said. How much did it cost? There are shops that sell Rp. 14,000 but they must bundle up to spend Rp. 50,000 first to be able to redeem the price of Rp. 14,000,” said Mufti.

Elly Rachmat Yasin, another member of the commission, also revealed the unequal price of cooking oil at Rp. 14,000 in the community. In particular, in traditional markets, according to him, there is no price of Rp. 14,000 per liter in the market.

“The one-price policy also doesn’t occur in traditional markets, sir. It’s still above Rp. 14,000. I got news. This morning I heard it was still Rp. 14,000 on TV,” said Elly in the same meeting

According to him, the policy of one price of Rp. 14,000 per liter is correct, but its realization is not good. Even the supply of cooking oil alone is not sufficient for the community’s needs.

In minimarkets, according to him, people have to do panic buying because according to him there is only a small amount of cooking oil.

“I appreciate the one-price policy of Rp. 14,000, but of course this is not enough. There was panic buying in the field, one family lined up to buy oil because there was a purchase limit,” said Elly.

Meanwhile, Andre Rosiade, another member of the commission, highlighted the government’s lack of firmness in the businessmen’s commitment to providing cheap cooking oil.

He explained from the news he got, from the total commitment of 200 million liters of cooking oil of Rp. 14,000 per liter, only 20 million liters were fulfilled.

“The information we get from the 200 million is only 20 million liters, the businessman is not committed, sir, how can it be left alone,” said Andre.


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