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Cooking Oil is Still Rare and Expensive, What Causes It? page all

KOMPAS.com – Price controversy cooking oil unresolved until now. Even so with the problem of availability in the market.

The government’s cheap oil program has actually created a new problem, namely scarcity. In fact, the subsidies issued by the government are not small, reaching Rp. 3.6 trillion.

In various areas, people actually complain about the difficulty of getting cooking oil. In modern retail, for example, the shelves that are usually used as display cases for cooking oil products, often look empty.

Traders in traditional markets and stalls also admit that they do not sell cheap cooking oil according to the government’s program. Even if there is a stock of cooking oil, it is still priced at an expensive price.

Also read: Cheap Cooking Oil but Still Rare? This is what Economic Observers say

So, why is cooking oil still rare and expensive?

Economist and Director of the Center of Economic and Law Studies Bhima Yudhistira explained that there are a number of problems that cause cooking oil to be expensive and scarce.

The first problem, said Bhima, is the limited supply of CPO for food, especially for cooking oil.

Cooking oil “The basic ingredient is CPO, while in the last four years, the use of CPO is divided into bio-diesel, and bio-diesel takes up quite a large portion,” he said. Kompas.com, Sunday (20/2/2022).

Also read: Here are 8 Alternatives to Palm Cooking Oil for Cooking

Retailer Confusion

Then, the second problem is due to confusion from the retailer’s side.

Even though the government has set the highest retail price (HET), he added, in practice, retailers still sell cooking oil from the old stock.

“They can’t afford it if the existing cooking oil stock is sold at the latest HET. Meanwhile, if they are caught selling the old stock at a high price, they will be penalized for HET compliance. This is confusing,” he said.

The government is also asked to be responsible for replacing the difference cooking oil price traders’ old stock with the latest HET.

Also read: This is the Latest Price of Bulk Cooking Oil, Simple and Premium Packaging

photo" data-photolink="http://www.kompas.com/tren/image/2022/02/20/131100365/minyak-goreng-masih-langka-dan-mahal-apa-penyebabnya-?page=2" style=" max-width: 100% ; width:750px ">BETWEEN PHOTOS/SISWOWIDODO Residents carry cooking oil purchased during the operation of the cooking oil market at the Bakorwil Madiun pendapa yard, East Java, Tuesday (15/2/2022). The operation of the Cheap Cooking Oil Market with the Governor of East Java Khofifah Indar Parawansa provides around three thousand liters of packaged cooking oil which is sold at a price of Rp 12,500 per liter and each ID card holder gets two liters.-

The government is late in anticipating

Bhima added that the next problem was due to the delay in anticipation from the government.

The scarcity of cooking oil is also exacerbated by the government’s unpreparedness because the price of CPO at the international level is still increasing.

“In addition to the increase in CPO, the fulfillment of domestic supply is still limited, it should have been anticipated since early 2021. So this panic, shortage, is also caused by the wrong government,” he explained.

Also read: Different Bulk Cooking Oil, Simple-Premium Packaging, which is now priced below Rp. 15,000

Hoarding cooking oil

The fourth problem is the game factor in the form of hoarding cooking oil.

The government is advised to take action against hoarders with criminal sanctions or revocation of business licenses in order to create a deterrent effect.

“Because this hoarding means suffering, consumers, communities, and entrepreneurs in the agro-industrial sector, for example, will be affected,” said Bhima.

Also read: 2 Liters of Cooking Oil when Weighed Not Even 2 Kilograms? Here’s the explanation

photo-infographic" style="max-width:100%;">
KOMPAS.com/Akbar Bhayu Tamtomo
Infographic: Origins Cooking oil

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